Chapter 3

589 19 3

Song: “Count on me” Default

Nico’s POV

When I woke up the next morning, realization hit me. I kissed Kenny. It wasn’t just a little peck on the lips. It was full on tongue tango, face holding, eyes closed so tight it hurt. I let my guard down and did something I knew if I was sober I wouldn’t have done. I had a few drinks at the benefit, then a glass of wine when I got home. So it was safe to say my judgment was foggy. I couldn’t help it. He held me close with his strong arms, that seems bigger than I remember five years ago. I was just overwhelmed by everything, and I couldn’t help it.

He didn’t stay the night, which is a good thing. I would have probably done something I would regret. I would be lying if I said there was absolutely no attraction to Kenny. There was a lot of attraction to him. It’s like the two opposite ends of the magnet; we always seem to find each other.

A week had gone by and I hadn’t seen Kenny. We spoke though. He called twice while he was one the road and sent me a few text messages. But I wasn’t ready to actually see him face to face just yet. Mel called me and asked if I wanted to go for lunch. I agreed to a quick lunch. I really didn’t know anyone in the city besides Kenny, so I accepted any friendly gesture anyone gave me.

She told me too meet her at this little café in downtown Toronto called Café Bernate.

When I arrived I could see her in a booth looking at her blackberry.

“I’m sorry I’m late” I said as I slide into the booth. “The shoot I had ran a little late”

“Oh don’t worry about it” she said putting it back in her purse. “I actually got some time to think without being interrupted by Cruise, or Colby” she said looking at her menu. Cruise was her’s and Colby’s seven year old son. And by the sounds of it he was a little spitfire, probably like his dad.

“Don’t get me wrong. I love those boys with all my heart. But sometimes my house has two much testosterone for my liking”

I smiled. Her and Colby were just a like.

“So what’s good here?” I said looking over the menu.

“The house salad and greek salad are pretty good”

I nodded.

After our waitress took our orders, and our food arrived, she and I got to talking.

“What is this thing with you and Kenny?”

I avoided her gaze, and focused on my salad. “I have no idea what you’re talking about”

“Oh don’t give me that!” she said smiling. “There’s something going on between the two of you. So spill”

I took a deep breath. “We just dated back when he played in Windsor”

“Well I knew that, Kenny told me that” she said.

“Well there’s nothing more to tell” I said, but there was so much more.

“All I know is, I’ve never seen Kenny this happy since you showed up in Toronto”

I didn’t say anything.

“Kenny also kinda told me what happened between you and that Taylor guy. I just wanted to let you know, if you ever need something I’m your girl” she said.

I smiled. “Thank you”


Kenny had texted me that Friday to see if I wanted to go too his game. I asked who he was playing, and he told me. It was Edmonton. There was no way I was going to that. So I told him that I was swamped with work, which I was. Nate, my boss wanted these pictures of the Staal brothers that I had taken that week, edited and fixed for the magazine and website. That shoot was a handful. Try getting four rambunctious brothers to focus enough to get four wardrobe changes. That was a task itself. I finally got the shots picked and edited around eight thirty. After that I needed a drink. I grabbed my bag and made my way down to this bar down the street. I didn’t care to change from my work clothes. I was wearing a black sweater dress, with my leather jacket and heel boots, along with my black beanie hat.

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