chapter 5

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Song: “The Heart of the Matter” Don Henely

Kenny’s POV

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

I stepped into her apartment. “You wouldn’t answer my calls, or texts. Then I see you walking hand and hand with Jeff Skinner. How did you even meet the kid?”

“He’s not a kid Kenny” she said softly. “He and I are the same age”

“It doesn’t matter how old he is, why were you with him?” I said leaning back against one of her dining room chairs, sliding my hands into my pockets as she walked into her kitchen.

I could hear her blow out a breath of air. “He was the player I was photographing today and he asked me out for dinner is that a crime?”

“Did you kiss him?” I asked.

“That is none of your business.” She said pointedly coming back out setting a bouquet of flowers that Skinner obviously got her in the center of her dining room table. “My love life is none of your business”

“To hell it’s not!”I said. “It is my business when just only last night, or better yet this morning your hand was down my sweats jerking me off, in my bed!” I said walking towards her. “It’s my business when just this morning you and I were having sex!”

“Calling me a slut then?” she said raising her voice, obviously not stepping down.

“That’s not what I said!”

“Then what you saying? Huh?” She said standing up to me. “It’s not like you’re my boyfriend”

“No I’m just the guy who saves your ass whenever you get in trouble. Whenever you need rescuing, or that shoulder to cry on, I’m the stupid idiot that comes running”

“I don’t need rescuing Kenny”

“Really? What about all those times back in Windsor? What about all those times when Jessica Donaldson had you backed up in a corner? What about all those times you came crying to me when Taylor was being a shitty boyfriend? Speaking of Taylor, what about last night? When he had you surrounded who’s the retard that game running to the rescue to save you from any embarrassment or hurt?” I wish it wasn’t true, but finally it came out. I had been her savior five years ago, and now I was again, and I needed to see that I’m just not coming to the rescue because I’m her friend. 

“You’re right!” She yelled. “You’re the idiot who comes running when pathetic ‘oh me needs to be rescuing!” I could see her fist balling up in anger.

“I’m sorry that I care so much about you!”

“Why do you even care about me!?”

“Because I love you!”

The comeback she had on the tip tongue died. She took a step back, not saying anything, let alone looking at me.

 “I really think you should leave Kenny” she said just above a whisper.

I didn’t even say anything. Just nodded my head, and walked out of the apartment, with no goodbyes, no good nights, or take cares; just silence.

I walked down to my car, and leaned my head against the steering wheel. I screwed up bad on this one. I knew I was going to have to make up big time on this.

Nico’s POV

I wasn’t sure if what Kenny had said was true. Sometimes when you get so heated in argument you say stuff you don’t mean. I know I have in the past, especially with Taylor. I couldn’t get myself to relax enough to fall asleep, so I grabbed my lap top and edited the pictures I had taken of Jeff that same day. Figured if I’m up might as well do it, knowing David would want them by the weekend. 

I guess sometime in the middle of the night I had fallen asleep. I looked at my clock on my bed stand which said it was a quarter after nine. I got up and took a shower, and got dressed. I figured since I have them done, I’d take the edited pictures to David. As I opened my front door I saw a bouquet of calla lilies and roses, which were my favorite flowers. I picked up the flower arrangement and set it on my dining room table next to my other bouquet of flowers. I grabbed and opened the card that was with the beautiful flowers.

The note had one simple statement which said “I’m sorry.” No signature but I knew it was from Kenny, because I recognized his chicken scratch.

I felt bad.  I mean we are adults; we shouldn’t be acting like two teenagers in high school.  I grabbed my phone from my purse sending a quick text telling Kenny to meet me at Riverdale Park in an hour. I knew we needed to talk this out. No matter what, he’s still my friend.

Kenny’s POV

I was eating breakfast when I got the text from Nico telling me to meet her at Riverdale in an hour. I knew she had gotten my flowers. I took a shower and got dressed. I made my way down to the park, where I saw her sitting there on a park bench drinking a cup of hot tea probably since coffee wasn’t her thing.  

“Hey” I said causing her to look up at me.

“Hey” She said as she scooted over to so I could take a seat next to her.

I took a seat next to her; an awkward silence fell over us.

“I got you’re flowers” she said quietly. “Thank you; they’re beautiful”

I stared into my hands, and nodded, I wanted to say ‘Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman’ but I held my tongue and instead said “You’re welcome”

She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry too” she said. “We both said something’s that we probably didn’t mean, you know in the heat of the moment” she said. But I did mean the ‘I love you’. I meant it from the bottom of my heart. 

“I really don’t like it when we fight” she said.

“Me neither” I said finally looking into her eyes.

“I like it better when we are friends”

I wish I could just say I agree, but I don’t; I want her in my life again. Completely mine, no one else’s.

“Yeah I like it better when we are friends too” I lied.

It seems like when I take a step forward I end being pushed back yards back. I need to show her that I am the man she needs in her life, if it takes everything I’ve got in me. I will show her.

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