Chapter 7

504 21 4

Song: Eric Church “Hell on the Heart”

Read Six before Seven guys.

Nicolette’s POV

Something was different about Kenny. Everything from the way he talked to me, the way he protectively stood over me, they gentleness in his touch when he held while we danced at the bar that one night. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t been close to a guy in what felt like ages. The date with Jeff was the first real date I had actually been on since Taylor. I was always too busy with my job trying to make rent, and traveling all over North America taking pictures.  So it was probably that. I probably doesn’t mean anything.

Two weeks went by faster than expected. Kenny had been so busy with hockey, and I was busy with this shoot for the magazine. He still made time to make sure I wasn’t going to back out though.

I was packing for the trip and had invited Mel over while cruise was at school.

“So you know you two are going to come back together” she said as a statement and not a question.

I shook my head. “No way” I said, more trying to convince myself than her.

“Yeah right” She said. “You two are practically a couple anyways, you guys just don’t sleep together”

I snorted. “How are we a couple?”

“Well you go to his games. Colby said he comes over almost every night to have dinner with you. The sexual tension between the two of you is so thick a power saw is the only thing strong enough to cut through it. You too even look like a couple when you stand next to each other…”

“Couples hold hands, we don’t hold hands.” I said cutting her off.

“You don’t need too when he’s standing protectively around you.” She countered back.

“He doesn’t stand like that” I said.

“Wanna bet?” she said raising an eyebrow. “He’s doesn’t have to hold your hand or touch you to make people think you’re his girl.”

“Whatever” I said. Zipping the dress I was wearing to the wedding in my garment bag.

“I got you something for you’re trip” She said handing me a bag.

“Oh you shouldn’t have” I said.

She laughed. “Just shut up and open the thing”

I smiled. I pulled the tissue paper out. “Oh my God” I said once I saw what was in the bag. “Mel!” I said embarrassed.

She smiled like a devil.

I pulled out the piece of lace lingerie, and lace thong that went with it.

“There’s more” she said.

I looked down and seen a box of condoms and a bottle of KY Lube.

“Nothing is going to happen!” I said so embarrassed.

“You and I both know there’s a big possibility that something could.” She said as I shoved the things back into the bag. “I just wanted you to be prepared. What are you doing?” She said as I went to put it in my closet.

“Putting this away so no one see’s it”

“No!” she said hoping off of the bed and grabbing the bag out of my hands. “I bought this for this weekend. I’m not saying you two will do the deed, but what if you do? I know you’d rather be prepared. Besides Kenny might have a real cute cousin that’s worthy of a one night stand.”

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