Chapter 4

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Song: “Getting you home” Chris Young

I can’t believe Kenny and I had sex! When I woke up before Kenny, had to get out of there as fast as I could. I couldn’t be here when he woke up.  I grabbed my stuff and hightailed it out of there.  I didn’t even bother with my boots, and walked through the apartment lobby bare foot. The door man called me a cab. I stood there feeling like the slut I am. This is how I ended up in the mess I was in back five years ago. I guess history does repeat itself.

When I got back to my apartment, I quickly showered, and dressed for work. I had a shoot in an half an hour, and David my boss hated it when anyone was late. I quickly put on some make up and pulled my half my hair up into a bump, letting my naturally wavy hair down.  I dressed in pair skinny jeans, and a plain white button up shirt, with a pair of nude pumps.

 As I drove to the studio where I was suppose to meet the crew, I got to thinking what had I gotten myself into. The sex was just as I remembered it; passionate, and mind blowing. But no matter how mind blowing it was, it doesn’t make it less confusing.

I walked into the studio to see a disproving look on David’s face.

“You know…” he said as I walked passed him to throw my bag off to the side.

“Yeah, yeah” I said as I walked where we were taking pictures. “I know” I said. I still had no idea who I was to photograph.

I looked and the lighting.

“Rough night?” he asked coming up behind me.

“You have no idea” I said rolling my sleeves up.

I could hear him chuckle. The awesome thing about David was he was really relaxed and laid back about things.

“Who am I suppose to shoot today?” I asked.

“Skinner” he said.

“Skinner? Jeff Skinner?”

“The one and only” he said helping adjust the lighting

I nodded. I remember him from years ago. He’s sort of stole some of the spotlight from Taylor his rookie year. Youngest to play in the NHL All-Star game since Yzerman; Calder winner, and every fan girls hockey fantasy.

I remembered him as this youthful looking kid with a smile that made little girls weep. He had taken the NHL by storm.

“Where is the….” The words died off my tongue as I turned to see a tall, bulked up Jeff. I hadn’t seen any pictures of him in years. He definitely wasn’t the same baby faced boy years ago. He definitely aged well that’s for sure. He had his head down, fixing the suit jacket they had placed him in.

“Jeff have you met Nicolette?” David said as he could see the shock in my face.

Jeff looked up, just in time for me to close my mouth that was gapping open.

“I’ve seen her before” he said walking closer. “But we haven’t been properly introduced.”

“Hi I’m Nicolette Howard” I said extending my hand.

“Jeff Skinner” he politely said taking my extended hand and shaking it.

We looked into each other’s eyes, and smiled.

“So now that you two have met” David said breaking the intense staring the two of us were doing. “Jeff why don’t we start at the windows.” David said directing the Jeff.

Jeff was a natural. He really didn’t need much direction like others that I had shot in the past.

“Jeff can you lean forwards a little?” I asked trying to get the best lighting.

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