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Song: "Take Me (As You Found Me)" Anberlin

End of June 2019

Kenny’s POV

Three years ago, if you would have told I’d be sitting here looking at my wedding album. I would have laughed in your face. But here I am looking at my wedding album. Nico and I had gotten married a little over a year and a half ago. That had to be the happiest day of my life. The way she looked, the smile on her face, just everything about her was perfect. Nothing had made me happier when she said yes to my proposal that year. I gave her the dream ring she described years and years ago back in Windsor; something she couldn’t say no too. But I knew she wouldn’t.

I felt a scratch at my ankle. I looked down to see our black lab, Bauer, dancing around wanting to go out. I set the album down on the coffee table and let him out. My career was finally stable. I had just signed a five year contract with the Leafs and was chosen to be one of the alternate captains.  We had just won the cup that past year, and now I was married and had everything I could ever want. I had my career and my personal life finally came together.

“Kenny!” I heard Nico scream from upstairs.

I turned quickly to see her standing at the railing of the stairs.

“My water broke!”

I instantly forgot everything I learned in birthing class.

“Ok um, I’ll grab the bag, and we’ll call everyone on the way to the hospital” I said rushing around the corner to grab the bag.

When I returned, Nico had just stepped off the last stair. I looked at her. She was wearing a white summer dress, her hair was up in a pretty clippy thing, and her make up all done nice. For being nine months pregnant, she still was as beautiful as the day I met her.

“Kenny” she said as she moved closer to me.

“Yeah?” I asked as I was just about to kiss her.

“Are you going to let Bauer in?”

“Oh yeah” I said turning to let the little guy in before we rushed to hospital.

When we got to the hospital they hooked Nico up to all these machines, and the contractions had already set in.

Every time a contraction ripped through her body, she gripped onto my hand and squeezed the life out of it.

She had been at it for twenty four hours, and it was seriously taking a toll on her. My parents were there and her uncle and aunt came from Windsor too Franklin to be here for the birth.

“Kenny it hurts so bad” she said leaning her head back against her pillow.

I kissed her forehead, and brushed the sweat and hair from her face. “I know Babe” I said.

“Hello” the doctor said all happy and cheerful. “How’s momma doing?”

“In so much pain” Nico said as the doctor checked how far she was dilated. “When can you guys give me drugs?”

“I’m sorry Mrs. Ryan, but I can’t administer an epidural for you” he calmly said.

“What!?” Nico yelled enraged.

“Mrs. Ryan, you are fully dilated. It’s pushing time” he said. “We’ll get daddy here in scrubs, then it’s baby time”

After promising Nico I would return, I got into scrubs and came back to see she was in the stirrups with a scared look on her face.

“Kenny I’m scared” She whispered.

“I’m scared too” I said holding her hand.

“How scared?”

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