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*this is just a practice one I've had for awhile*
Miranda pov
"Why cant i just sit in the stand area thing" i pleaded "you are my maid of honor i need to stand right next to me, so you can watch up close" amanda smirked evily "why must you do this?" I asked "you love him, i know you do. Im doing this because after me and him kiss, i get to turn to you and see the look on your face" she smirked "Randi, come on" matt walked over to me "matt i cant do this" i frowned as me and him walked to the front by the door, matt is joshs best man so we get to walk down the isle together. "I know its hard... I have somthing to tell you" he looked down at his feet "whats wrong?" I asked worried "josh is doing this to pr-" he was cut off by a guy telling us we had to walk "what?" I whispered as we started walking "he still loves you" was all matt said when we got to the end of the isle and went our seperate way.
I couldnt concentrate for the first half of the wedding, what did matt mean by 'he still loves you' if he still loves me he wouldnt have broken up with me and went back with amanda. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the preacher "do you amanda mcewan take joshua ramsay as your lawfully wedded husband" the preacher asked "i do" she smiled, josh looked so confused "and do you joshua ramsay take amanda mcewan to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The preacher asked, Josh looked at me and i gave him a slightly faked smile. "I-i... I cant." Josh looked at the guests then back at me then he ran out. Matt had a small smile on his face and he walked to the centre area where josh was standing "everyone, please stay seated. I will go look for him and talk to him-" matt started talking and half way through his 'speech' i ran out of the room in search of josh. The wedding is in a ballroom type area in a hotel, i ran to the front desk "have you seen a guy in a tux with blue bangs run by?" I asked the guy behind the desk "he ran down that hall" the guy pointed down the hall that leads to the back door "thanks" i took off running down the hall. "Josh" i called out when i got to the alley "josh" i looked around and saw him standing near a garbage can, "Miranda" he saw me and hugged me "why did you run out?" I asked "i cant marry her" he stated "you love her, why cant you marry her?" I asked "i don't love her. I love you" he said, i looked at him shocked "wh-what?" I stuttered "i love you... Amanda. She threatened to hurt you if i didn't marry her" he looked hurt "why didn't you tell me" i asked "she told me that if i told you, she would hurt you. There was no way i was going to let her hurt you" he hugged me "i love you" i mumbled into his chest "i love you too, I'm sorry i broke up with you and ignored you a little bit" he said "its okay, i have you back" i smiled slightly "we better go tell the guests the weddings off eh" he chuckled a bit "what about Amanda?" I asked "restraining orders sound nice" he smiled "what about the reception, everything's paid for" i said "well, i can tell the guests that if they want to stay and party they can." He held my hand "shes going to flip shit" i chuckled slightly "stay by my side" he gave me hand a slight squeeze "you think thats a good idea" i asked nervously "i rather have you right beside me than away. I don't know what Amanda's going to do" he said worried "I'm sure i can handle her" i said "i know, i just don't want you to have to" he sighed "i've missed you" i smiled "i've missed you too" he leaned down and kissed my head just before we got to the big white doors that lead into the ballroom. "Good luck" i smiled "don't need any" he said as we walked into the ballroom. Josh and i walked to the alter and josh turned to the guests as i stood next to matt. "Umm i would like to say something" josh paused as everyone looked at him "the wedding is off i apo-" he was cut off by Amanda screaming, she stomped over to me and mike and ian grabbed her arms and pulled her away from me. "Well then, um i would like to apologize for this inconvenience, and i would like to explain why" josh spoke then motioned for me to stand next to him. I gave him a confused look but walked over to him. "I am not in love with Amanda, i am in love with miranda. Amanda threatened to hurt miranda if i didn't go along with this" josh paused "i am really truly sorry for all the trouble i have put all you guys through. But everything is paid for, so you can all stay here and party away if you would like to. Once again, i am sorry" josh finished. All of Josh's guests stood up and clapped while Amanda's friends and family glared at them. I looked over at Amanda and she looked like she was going to kill mike and ian, then me. "LET ME GO!" She shouted and bit ian. "Holy shit" he cussed and let her go, she stomped on mikes foot which caused him to let go, then she ran over to me. "You little bitch ruined everything" she sneered and slapped me. Sara ran up and pulled her away from me and josh pulled me in the opposite direction. "Are you okay?" He asked after he told me to sit "yeah, I'm fine. I mean my cheek hurts and i have the sudden urge to stab her in the head with my heel. But yeah I'm fine" he chuckled and kissed my -non slapped- cheek. I smiled and i stood up, me and him looked towards the guests to notice Amanda's guests are slowly leaving but all of josh's guests are smiling in their seats. Once all of Amanda's guests were gone the Ramsay's stood up and walked over to me and josh. "Im just gunna go... Over there" i started to back away awkwardly until i ran into someone "what'd i tell yeah" matt smiled at me "oh shush" i smiled and hugged him.
After the 'party' josh and i got in his car and decided to drive back to his house. "So whats it like." I chuckled "whats what like?" He questioned as he looked through his cupboards for somthing to eat, "whats it like to almost have to marry someone you dont love" i asked "hell..." He stopped looking and dropped his hands onto the counter and lowered his head. We stayed in silence for a few moments before i walked towards him "josh" i put my hand on his upper back and he looked towards me with tears in his eyes. "Im outta food" he gave a sad chuckle as a tear ran down his face. "Oh josh" i sighed and pulled him in for a hug. "Ive been living in hell for seven months. And now all the feeling i wish i told someone are all coming out now" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, i have no idea what to say, so i just ripped off a piece of papertowel from the roll and handed it to him. "You look so scared" josh chuckled softly "i... Dont know what to say" i sighed "you dont need to say anything" he smiled and hugged me
"Wanna go for a walk?" I asked "your still in your dress" he chuckled "and your still in your tux" i smiled "we'll be the fanciest fuckers walking down the street" he laughed "lets go" i took his hand and pulled him to his front door.
As me and josh walked down the street hand in hand, and i started to really regret wearing my heels. "One sec" me and josh stopped walking and he looked at me worried. I gave a slight chuckle and slid off my heels, i picked them up and josh held my hand again. We started walking again "want my shoes?" He chuckled looking down at my feet "your shoes would eat my feet" i laughed "so is that a no?" He asked "i think ill make it" i smiled and leaned into his side.
Me and josh walked around for about twenty minutes until it started to rain "shit" josh cussed as i laughed. As he stood in the door way of a closed resturant as i stood in the rain "whatchu doin' ramsay. Afraid of a little rain. Your not going to melt" i laughed "no, i just dont want to get sick" he chuckled. "Come dance" i smiled as my hair started sticking to my face. He shook his head and smiled back. "Your loss" i laughed and started to waltz by myself keeping my arms up. Moments later Josh joined me. One hand on his shoulder and one in his hand, his other hand was on my waist. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed "what?" He chuckled "your not melting!" I smiled "oh my gosh! Your still an ass" he smirked and kissed my head "always have been always will be" i smiled then pecked him on the lips.

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