Chapter 3: Another

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I woke up the next morning to my cell phone ringing in my ear. I then answered without even checking who it was. I then heard Keith's deep full voice. 

"Hey Bella." he said nervously.

"Hey Keith." I replied casually

"So I was wondering if you were busy today. My parents just got home from Cleveland and they really wanted to meet you, so ummmm would you like to go rollerskating with me." 

"Awwww. I would love to." I replied blushing without anyone noticing.

"Ok so can I pick you up at 1:00?" 

"That works for me." 

"Ill see you then."  

"ok thanks. Bye." 


I got ready for yet another date with Keith. Before he came I took a walk around the neighborhood. I was thinking about what the other couples would be doing. Keith and I were the only two that didn't rush out of the room, so were we the only ones that wanted to win? 

When I came home I made some final touches and then my phone buzzed. It was a text from Keith.  

"Act like your truely and madly in love. Just trust me." 

I replied straight back, "Ok."  

I did trust him. There must be some reasoning for it. I didn't know what it was yet but I knew I would find out soon. Soon he was there at my doorstep. I stepped outside, shut the door and looked straight in his deep blue eyes that were practically swallowing me whole. He winked at me and I knew exactly what for. I remembered his text and soon enough we were kissing. I grabbed his hand and we walked to the car. His parents were sitting in the front seats and stareing at us. We sat next to eachother in the car still holding hands. His mom then started a conversation going. 

"Hi I'm Kathy, Keiths mom, and this is my husband Ronald. You must be Bella, Keith has told us so much about you and the project. I hope you guys win."  

"Hi and thanks. I hope we win too." I said nervously, I didn't want to ruin whatever Keith was trying to pull.

I stared at Keith showing that I had no idea what to say next so he stepped in.  

"I invited Bella to come over for Thanksgiving with us." he casually said.

"That is a wonderful idea, dear. Did you tell her that you are cooking the dinner?" questioned his mother. 

"Yes. She knows and said she would help me too. Didn't you Bella." 

"Yes, I would love to help," I said while staring into his eyes. I couldn't help myself they just mesmerize me.

I never actually said that but I still wouldn't mind. 

"Awww, now isn't that sweet," his mom replied. 

I then rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. No other words were exchanged except for a few awes from his mom. When we got to the rollerskating rink the parking lot was packed. I finaly understood the text. The last Saturday of the month the  school rented out the rollerskating rink and all the teachers and tons of students were going to be there, that's why I needed to act madly in love. We got out of the car and I hugged him and whispered "I trust you." He whispered back tickling my ear with his soft breath "then lets do this." 

We walked in holding hands and when went inside all you saw were friends hanging out and not many couples. We got our skates and then sat down. We put our skates on and headed towards the rink. I had no idea how to skate but Keith was a natural. I kept falling and falling and Keith would help me up. He would hold my hand to try to help keep my balance but it didn't really work. The one time Keith let me go and went to the wall. He then yelled "come to me!" I nodded no but he kept motioning me. Then all the sudden someone ran into me and pushed me straight towards Keith. I was screaming "Keith!!" trying to let him know I needed assistance but I still ended up running into him. I knocked him down and landed straight on top of him. We were cracking up, both of us on the floor. We then kissed, no making out just a short little kiss. We tried getting up but we kept on falling. When we finaly got up the D.J. announced "couple skate everybody, couples only."  

Keith and I stared into eachothers eyes until he finaly said, 

"May I have this skate Miss. Bella?" He held his hand out, I giggled and I grabbed his hand and said, "Yes." The D.J. put on a slow song and only 5 other couples in high school contest were skating. They put spotlights on all off the couples so everyone could see us. Me and Keith skated together and I still kept falling. He would keep picking me up and we would keep on going. When the song was about to end he pulled me so we went to the wall. I knew that this was are moment to look in love. He brushed through my hair just like the night before and said, "I love you." All I could do was smile and then I blurted out the words, "I love you too." We then kissed once again just like we did earlier. My body tingled with excitment. Everyone was staring at us. This would definetly make a boost for us in the compition. When the song ended we stopped, smiled, and skated back to our seats. We sat down and hugged. He whispered in my ear, "That was perfect." I replied back with confidence, " I think that helped." He replied once more, "it was." We laughed and then went towards the arcade games. I didn't fall in the arcade because Keith made sure to tightly hang on to me and we were on carpet. Keith bought us some tokens and we played some arcade games. We won lots of tickets and bought some candy with it. We then left and he took me home. He walked me to my porch holding my hand. 

"Thanks for taking me. I had a great time." I said while blushing bright red. 

"Your welcome. You did good today." he replied kindly.

"So did you," I said nervously. 

He didn't just do great he did amazing. The kiss kept replaying through my head it was definitely a boost.

He then pulled me tight against his body and he grabbed the back of my head. My body radiated with heat and he held me tight smiling. His soft lips against mine fit perfectly and felt amazing.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said grinning

"Bye." I replied casually. 

I walked inside and my parents were standing right there. They saw everything that happened. I started explaining everything that happened from the very beginning.

"Well you guys definetly made an impression. You better get ready for bed, you have school in the morning." I got ready for bed and couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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