Chapter 6: Now it makes sense

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I woke up and we had no school that day either. I loved 4 day weekends, espicialy ones that we don't have any homework. I laid in my bed starring at the ceiling until I couldn't take it any longer, I had to know why we had to act all lovey dovey around his family.

"Hey I have a question." I texted.


"Why do we need to act super in love when we are near your family or parents?"

"Oh I thought you knew. My aunt is going to be our new principal. She is the one that set up the whole contest thing. She said it would be a great way for kids to raise their self esteem and help making relationships."

"Oh I had no idea."

" My aunt actually called me and said she wanted to take us bowling on Saturday."

"Sounds like fun."

"I think it would be great because we can show how 'in love' we are there."

'in love' is that really how he put it. In quotations?! I then knew Emma was wrong about Keith liking me. I cant believe I actually thought he liked me, how could I fall for that.

"Sounds good to me. We can talk about it at school tomorrow."

"Ok see yeah tomorrow"

I had to tell Emma the reasons for everything and how I knew he didn't like me. But she kept arguing about it.

"I still think he loves you." she sang.

"I'm not so sure."

She kept going on and on and that just confused me even more. I sat in my bed thinking did he like me? Usually Emma is good with telling if a guy likes you but I just couldn't believe that he would like me. I would have thought for sure it would be Lola or one the other cheerleaders. Why me? It made get the chills that you get when your excited. Did he like me? All of the dates, kissing, and romantic gestures and the anklet it just had to be. All the signs pointed to it but it seemed just so good to be true. I got out of bed and got a bowl of cereal. I then laid on the couch in the living room and ate my food. I turned on the TV put on my favorote channel and relaxed.

My mom got home at 2 and had a couple of groceries to put away. I heard cupboards and the refrigerator open and close. She walked over to the living room and sat on a chair across from where I was laying.

"Honey, you look pale. Are you feeling ok?" she caringly asked.

It was true. I wasn't feeling the greatest today, but I wanted to go to school tomorrow and see Keith. What if they played a couple game and I wasn't there, then we would automatically lose that one.

"I don't feel that bad, but my head and stomach do hurt a little bit." I lied.

My mom went to the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer. She walked over to me and took my temperature and it was 101.3. Dang it! She went back to the bathroom and grabbed the medicine and made me take it. I absolutely HATE medicine! HATE IT! But she made me take it anyways. I grabbed my phone knowing I wouldn't be at school tomorrow already and texted Keith the news.

"Hey, well I'm not going to be at school tomorrow, I got sick.

"Oh ok. Are you throwing up sick or temperature sick or both?"

"Temperature sick."

"Ok. I hope the game isn't tomorrow then."

"I know me too."

We texted for a little while and then he had to go. I also texted Emma that I wouldnt be at school the next day. Then dinner came along and all I ate was an apple and peanut butter. After dinner I went straight to bed because I was exhausted.

The next day started out just like the first. When my mom got home she gave me more medicine and I then took a nap on the couch. I then woke up with someone sitting next to me. I look up and I see Keiths face. He smiled big and I threw him one right back. I couldn't believe he was here.

"What are you doing here?!" I screamed.

"I wanted to see you so I decided to come over here and cheer you up a little."

He wanted to see me? What! Does he really care about me that much that he came to see me?

"Awww that's so sweet of you."

He then leaned in and kissed me softly. He pulled his head back up slowly.

I then coughed " you know I'm sick right?"

"Yeah I know. I don't care really." He shrugged

" oh ok."

He grabbed my hand and held it tight. He took his other hand and felt my forehead.

"You don't feel hot anymore."

I felt my own head and I didnt feel hot. I sat up and laid my head down on Keith's lap. He talked to me about himself and the contest for a little while. I then found out they played a couples game, which was another couples trivia. I hope that being absent for the game wouldn't lose attention on us.

After awhile he went home. My mom took my temperature and my temperature was back to normal. I would be ready to go back to school. We needed to make a bold move to still be in the game. I went to bed very tired once again and was very anxious to go back to school.

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