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Liza's POV

Few minutes left and I'll be turning 18. I'm so excited of what's more to life when I'm finally a lady. I can get a Driver's license already, I can travel alone, and I can now go to parties. Hahahaha!

"Where's Quen na ba?" Tita Dinz asked me.

It's exactly 15 minutes before 12 midnight, 15 minutes to go and I'm turning 18! We decided to have my birthday-salubong here in UP Town Center because I really didn't want a big debut party.

"Maybe the line in La Lola's too long." I answered.

Quen and my dad left us for a while in Rita's to grab some churros but they're not coming back yet, it's been 30 minutes I think. Where's my baby na kaya?

(Phone's ringing, Quen's calling)

Speaking of.

"Where are you na ba?" I said.

"We already bought churros but Tita Rinnai just called your dad and Justin is not feeling well, they might send Justin daw to hospital because of too much vomiting." Quen told me.

"Oh my gosh! What happened to him?"

"I don't know but I guess, we should go to your house now. Hurry! We'll be waiting for you in the parking lot."


Together with Tita Dinz, Andie (Quen's sister) and Ej (Andie's friend) we walk real fast to go to the parking lot pero nauuna ako sa kanila maglakad. I'm in the escalator already when I noticed na wala na pala sila sa likod ko. I keep on glancing. Nasan na sila? Nakababa na ko ng escalator pero wala pa rin sila. Nakatayo na ako sa may Coldstone, in front of the activity ground then I decided to call Andie but when I was about to dial her number, people from stores are shouting and coming out. What the hell is happening?

Quen's POV

I lied to Liza. I lied to my baby. But I only lied because I'm going to surprise her.

Flash mob ang naisip kong surprise for her. This is so perfect because I'm a dancer. We planned this months ago, with the help of both families and friends. It's kinda hard to plan this because me and Liza are always together, almost everyday but still, I got the time to plan this. Wala eh. Tinamaan talaga ko sa baby Liza ko. Yung feeling na you'll do everything and anything just to make her happy, especially on her 18th birthday.

Liza's POV

People are coming out from the stores, even the crew and staffs of every restaurants. They're clapping and cheering and then a song is playing on the background, it's the song "Forever" by Chris Brown. Oh my gosh! What's really happening?

And then to my surprise, everyone's already dancing! HA! OH MY GOSH! I don't know what to do.

And when the song hits the chorus..

*It's like I'm waiting my whole life for this one night

It's gonna be me and you in the dance floor.*

THERE THEY ARE!! Pinapangunahan ni Quen, our families and friends are dancing too. And Justin is there too. I knew it! It's all part of their plan.

OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! IT'S A FLASH MOB! Everyone around me is dancing. I feel so overwhelm. I never expected this. I think I'm gonna cry.

And there he is, the guy who's all behind this surprise. He's laughing while dancing. And he's making pa-cute to me.

"You're really crazy!!" I shouted.

"Yes I am! I'M CRAZY INLOVE WITH YOU!" he shouted back.

UGH! Baliw talaga tong si Quen but he is also the sweetest. What did I do right to deserve this guy? I feel so lucky to have him in my life.

And when the song ended, everyone's cheering again and they're all singing..

"Happy birthday Liza! Happy birthday Liza!

Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday Liza!"

I don't know what to do. I just keep on saying THANK YOUs to everyone. Gusto ko nalang lumubog sa kinatatayuan ko dahil sobrang nahihiya na ko.

Isa isa na silang lumapit saken and greeted me a happy birthday. My daddy, Tita Joni, brother, step mom, uncles, my friends, Tita Bambie (Quen's mom), Javy (Quen's brother), Andie, Ej and lastly, sino pa ba edi ang forever monkey ko, si Quen.

Quen's hiding his face from a bouquet of blue roses na hawak ng right hand niya. And his other hand is holding a pizza with a candle on it.

"I know you love pizza more than cake. So, here it is! Now, make a wish and blow your candle." he said.

After blowing my pizza (sounds weird), Quen gave me the bouquet of blue roses. (He has my favorite smile of him. Yung kita lahat ngipin niya and gilagid. Hahaha)

"Hi baby! Happy birthday! I love you!" he said and kissed me on the cheek.

I can't help it. Naiiyak na ko. Napayakap na ko kay Quen. I don't care what people will say, all I know is I'm so happy right now and it's because of Quen. I just hug Quen really tight while tears are already running to my face.

"Thank you so much! You don't know how happy I am right now." I whispered to him while sobbing.

I'm still in his loving arms and I don't want to let go yet.

He's caressing my hair. "Anything for you, baby! I love you so much!"

"I love you, too!" I said.

We let go of the hug and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Stop crying na! Ang pangit mo pag umiiyak! HAHAHA de joke lang. joke lang."

I punched him on his belly.

"Ouch! Joke lang. Joke nga lang." he said while he wipes my tears and hug me tight again.

I can hug this guy forever. I feel so safe in his arms. At ang bango bango niya pa. The kind of smell where you just want to burry your head on his chest.

Quen's POV

I'm so exhausted from all the preparations and stuff but it didn't matter because it made Liza really happy. And just a hug from her, wala na ang pagod ko. Seeing her smiling and happy is all I want to do for her forever. I want to be the reason of her happiness.

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