It tickles

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Liza's POV

We finished taping earlier at exactly 4am.
And we don't have work for today.
Time to rest.
But I miss my big monkey already.

I think it's just normal to miss someone who's with you almost everyday.
Sobrang kulit pa naman non.
He always tease and annoys me everytime but in a sweet and loving ways.

I get my phone and text him.

"Good morning!
Just woke up!
I love you! 😉😘😘"

It's 11am.
For sure, humihilik pa yon.

I grabbed my macbook.
And browse movies that I can watch.

Then, my phone rings.

It's Andie!
Quen's sister.

"Hello!" I said.
"Hi, Liza!" she said.

"Yes, Andie? How are you?
Why did you called?" I asked.
"Mom's cooking mexican food!
And you should come over!" she said.

"Really?" I said.

I heard her gave the phone to Tita Bambi.

"Yes, Liza! Come over here for Lunch.
I mean for late lunch." she said.
"Bring with you your Dad, Rinai and Justin." she added.

"Daddy's not home Tita eh.
But I guess, Justin could come." I said.
"That's great! See you, then!" she said.

"Thank you, Tita!
See you later po!" I said.


I called Daddy and asked permission and he said yes because Justin is with me naman.

He's kinda strict sometimes.
Especially when going to Quen's house.


(At Quen's house)

"Hi, Tita!
Good afternoon po!" I greeted Tita Bambi and beso her.

"Hi, Liza!
Thank you coming!" she said.

"It's my pleasure po!" I said smiling.

"Here, Tita!
I bought a cake on our way here." I said and gave her the cake.

"Liza! You didn't have to.
But Thank you!" she said.

"Hi, Liza!" Andie said.
"Hey, Andie!" I said.

"Hi, Tita!
Hey, Andie!" Justin greeted.

"What's up Justin?
You ready to lose in Playstation again?" Andie teased.

"Wow! I think you're the loser the last time." Justin said laughing.

"I don't think so!
C'mon! Let's see who'll be the loser this time." Andie said.

Then, Andie and Justin go to the living room to play.

"Tita, Is Quen still asleep?" I asked.
"Syempre. Yun pa ba!" she said.

"I think you should wake him up already.
The lunch will be ready in a while." she added.

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