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Liza's POV

I'm sitting at the make up chair.
Preparing for our shoot today.

"Liza!" Ate Ana, our handler said.

"Hi, Ate Ana!" I said and hugged her.

"Where's Quen?" she asked.
"He's not yet here.
Traffic daw." I said.

"Ah! Okay.
I have something to tell you.
May ipi-pitch ako." she said.

"What is it, Ate?" I asked.

"You'll have a new movie.
A romantic-comedy movie." she said.

"Really?" I asked.
"Right after Dolce Amore?" I said.

"Yes! Yes!" she said.
"That's great!
I'm so excited already!" I said.

"I know Quen will be happy too." I said.

"Uhmm. Liza, it's not a movie with Quen!" she said.

"Whaaat?" I exclaimed.
"Not with Quen?" I asked.

"Not with Quen!" she repeated.
"With whom?" I asked.

"With DJ!" she said.
"DJ???" I exclaimed.
"Yes! With Daniel Padilla!" she said.

I'm so shocked!!!
This is so unexpected!!!
With Daniel Padilla??
With the Teen King??

"Seriously?" I asked Ate Ana.
"Why?" I added.

Kathryn will have a short break from Showbiz.
And they think you'll be a great partner for Dj." Ate Ana said.

"DJ is the Teen King.
And from what you achieve right now.
You're definitely the best partner for him." she said.

"Don't worry, baby girl!
It's just for a movie.
Isang movie lang naman eh." she added.

I'm still shocked.

"What about Quen?
Is he going to be paired to different girl?" I asked.

"I don't think so.
Napagdaanan na ni Quen ang iba't ibang ka-loveteam.
And he just found the right one through you." Ate Ana said.

"I can't believe this." I said.

Ate Ana laughed.

"Take this as a good thing.
Like what you said, you guys need to grow separately." Ate Ana said.

I just nod.

"Anyway, I got something to do outside. You'll be okay?" Ate Ana said.

"Yah! Yah!" I said and hugged her.

Oh my gosh!
So, the management is planning to paired me with DJ.
I'm so shocked.

I'm sure the fans will not like this.
The LizQuens and KathNiels.

I don't know what to feel.

I grabbed my phone.
And called Quen.

"Hi, baby!" he answered.
"Hi." I said.

"Hey! Is there something wrong?" he asked.
"Nasan ka na?" I asked.

"Malapit na." he said.
"Hey, baby!
Baby?" he asked.

"Is there something wrong?" he added.

"May pinitch saken si Ate Ana." I said.
"Oh? What is it?" he asked.

"I'll be having a romcom movie." I said.
"Wow! That's great!
Why do you sound sad?" he asked.

I didn't answer.

"Baby?" he said.
"Tell me." he added.

"I'll be paired to Daniel." I said.
"Daniel?" he exclaimed.
"As in DJ Padilla?" he asked.

"Yes." I said.

Both of us stopped talking for a while.

"Woah!" he said.
"Really?" he added.

"I thought it'll be with you!" I said.

Like what you said, we need to grow separately." he said.

"And DJ?
He's the Teen King!" he added.

"That's good for you!
Atleast yung mga ayaw saken na fans, magiging fans niyo." Quen said.

"Quen." I said sadly.

"No, baby!
I'm just kidding." he said.

"DJ is my friend.
Atleast, di na ko magwworry masyado." he teased.

"Quen." I said again.

"Everything will be fine.
Okay?" he assured me.

"I love you!" he said.
"I love you, too!" I said.

Quen's POV

My baby will be paired with other guy?

I can't believe this.
So unexpected.

But that's our work.
Whatever the management thinks what's best for us.
Then. Go.

It's just for a movie, Quen.
Isang movie lang naman eh.

I'm convincing myself not to worry.
Coz I know my baby is really worried.
And I need to be the Mr. Positive for her.

I know everything will be fine.
I know.

But it's just really sad.
But then again,
Isang movie lang naman eh.

As I enter the tent.
Liza already ran to me.
And hugged me.

"Hi, baby!" I said.
And hugged her tight.

She's sobbing.

"Hey!" I said.
And caressed her hair.
Then her face.

"Don't be sad." I said.

"Isang movie lang naman." I added.

She hugged me tighter.

"I just didn't saw it coming." she said.
"Me too." I said.

"But that's a great project for you.
With different partner.
I know you'll do better." I said.

She's still hugging me so tight.
Her arms on my neck.
And my hands on her waist.

"I'm afraid we'll never have time for each other." she said.

"Hey! Stop!
You know that will never happen." I said.
And kissed her shoulder.

He kissed me on my neck as response.

I let go of the hug.
Wiped her tears.
And caressed her face.

"Hey! Don't overthink, okay?" I said.

And I come closer.
And gently kissed her on the lips.

I'm surprised.
She didn't pull off.
She kissed me back.

So, I continue to kiss her.
I'm smiling.
And so did her.

You're smiling!" I said.
And kissed her again.

"Lagi kitang dadalawin sa taping.
I promise." I said.

"Really?" she said smiling.

"Oo naman." I said and hold both of her hands.

Our hands intertwined.

"Pero minsan magpapamiss din ako." I teased.

We laughed.

"I love you, Quen!" she said.

She said it with all her heart.
I feel it.

"I. Love. You. More." I said.

I said it with all of my heart too.
With all of me.

LizQuen (Behind the Scenes)Where stories live. Discover now