Only you

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Liza's POV

It's my bestfriend debut today.
I was just chilling with our other friends and getting ready for the party.
Too sad Quen couldn't come because he has photoshoot tonight.
This'll be more fun if he's here, if he's with me.
And yes! I'm missing him already.

So, I decided to call him.

But he's not answering.

Maybe he's really busy right now.
So, I just browse the internet.
I checked my instagram account, then go to snapchat, then to app and then to twitter.

I scroll down.
Read tweets.
Saw our fans tweets and it makes me really happy.
They're not getting tired of tweeting me.
They're not getting tired of supporting me and Quen.
We are indeed so loved by them.
I wish I could reply to each and everyone of them.

As I continue to scroll down through my phone, I saw Julia's tweet.

Oh! So, they did faceswap huh!Maybe that's why he's not answering my call

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Oh! So, they did faceswap huh!
Maybe that's why he's not answering my call.

But I'm not jealous, okay!
I'm really not! There's nothing to be jealous of.
It was just a faceswap.
And Julia is our friend.
So, there's really nothing to be jealous of.


Maybe I'm a little jealous.
But I guess, this is just normal.

Ugh! I hate this feeling.
I don't want to overthink.

So, I call Quen again.

And he's not answering again.

But I call him again.

Someone answered after 3 rings.

"Hello!" I said.
"Liza! This is Kuya Jerome!" he said.
"Hi, Kuya Jerome! Where's Quen?" I asked.
"I don't know nga eh. He left his phone in the dressing room. Di pa naman nagsstart photoshoot." he said.
"Wait! Tignan ko siya sa labas." he added.
"Okay, Kuya! Thank you!" I said.

"Ayun siya! He's talking with Julia!" Kuya Jerome said.

I heard him walking towards Quen and I heard Quen laughing really loud and Julia's laughing also.

"Kuya Jerome! No! Don't bother them." I said.
"What are they doing anyway?" I asked.
"They're talking and laughing eh. Something to do with a phone app I guess." he said.

"Oh! Okay." I said.
"I'll just call him again later!" I added and said goodbye.

Quen's POV

LizQuen (Behind the Scenes)Where stories live. Discover now