Laters baby

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Liza's POV

"I'm sorry!" I said.

Quen touched my chin and said,
"Hey! You don't have to say sorry."

He caressed my face.
And hugged me.
I hugged him tighter.

Is the premier night of Dukot.
Quen's new movie.
Too bad I can't come with him.
I have work.
I have taping.

"I understand, okay?" he said.
And caressed my back.

"I really want to see the movie with you." I said sadly.

"Me too, baby!
Me too!" he said.

That's the thing bout our work.
We're taping 24 hours a day.
And we don't have time for any other thing.
Unless it's our free day.

We let go of the hug.
And I touched his face with both of my hands.

"I'm really sorry!" I said.
Then I kissed him gently on his lips.

I can feel him smiling.
So am I.

"I love you!" I said.
Then kissed him again.

And he kissed me back hard.
And he slowly pushed me on the wall.

We laughed a little.
Then his lips back on my lips again.
I caressed his head as response.
He kissed me longer.
And I'm already catching my breath.

"Quen!" I stopped him.

He smiled.

"I'm sorry." he said smiling.

Then he kissed me on the lips again.
Down to my jaw.
Then to my neck.

It tickles!" I said.

But he doesn't stop.

I grabbed his face.
And kissed him.

"You should go." I said.

He smiled.

"Di na rin ata ako pupunta sa premier night!" he teased.

And kissed me on my neck again.

I slowly pushed him.

Time to go." I exclaimed.

And I hugged him.
He hugged me tighter.
And whispered to my ear,
"I'm gonna miss you!"

We let go of the hug.

And he kissed me on the lips again
and teased,

"Laters, baby!"


Quen went to the premier night already.
And I'm here at taping with the other casts.

I also bought a cake with a dedication that says, Congratulations!
It's for Quen.
After the premier night.
He'll be at TWBA for an interview.
Then he'll go back here at taping.

Can't wait to congratulate my baby.


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