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Liza's POV

"Hey!" Quen said.

He saw me as I scroll down through my phone.

"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Bashers again?" he asked.

I nodded.

And he caressed my head.

"Am I a bad girlfriend?" I asked sadly.

He pulls me closer to him.

Syempre hindi!" he assured me.

"You. are. the. best!" he said.

"Don't mind those people, okay?" he said.

"Inggit lang sila sa'yo." he said.

I didn't say anything.

"You know why?" he asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Coz I'm your boyfriend!" he said laughing.
"Ewan ko sa'yo!" I said.

But I can't help but smile.
He really knows how to make me smile.

"They know nothing, okay?" he added.

"They don't know about us." he said.
"They don't know how the best you are as my girlfriend." he said.

He hold my hands.
And start playing with it.

"You're the best at making me feel better all the time.
They don't know how sweet you are." he said smiling.

He's still playing with my hands.

"How caring you are.
How you take care of me every single time." he continued.

And he's now hugging me.
My head resting on his chest.

"How good influence you are to me.
How you balances me out." he said.

"But there's only one thing you're not good at." he said.

I look up to him.
And make face.

"You're not that good at kissing." he said laughing.

I punched his tummy.

He laughed.

"I'm just kidding, baby!" he said.
And kissed my head.

He really never fails to make me laugh when I'm sad.
He always assure to make me smile.

"Joke lang.
Joke lang." he said while hugging me tighter.

"Sorry huh!
I haven't kissed any-one before eh." I said.

"Unlike you!
You kissed eve-ry-one na kasi ata." I teased.

I let go of the hug.

He laughed.
And pulls me closer to him.
But I refused.

LizQuen (Behind the Scenes)Where stories live. Discover now