Take 1

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Liza's POV

"Are you guys ready?" Direk said.

"Yeah!" Quen said.
And I nodded.

"So, all you have to do is act like it's the first time you admitted that you love each other." Direk said.
"And in the end of the sequence, you guys will do the almost-kissed." she continued.
"I'm sure Take 1 lang 'to. Right, Quen?" she added laughing.

"Hahahaha! Yes, Direk! Lezz do this!" Quen said.

And I just punched Quen in his arms.

We already did a lot of the almost-kissed scene but I'm still nervous everytime.
I always feel like Quen will really kiss me in front of a lot of people.
And I'm not sure if I'm ready with that.

Camera's rolling.

In 3, 2, 1..

"Mahal na mahal kita!"
"I love you, too!"

After the last lines, Quen come closer and I did too.
Our nose touched.
And our lips are now less than an inch apart.

It takes about 3 seconds and to my surprised, Quen kissed me.

He kissed me on the lips.
He kissed me in front of a lot of people.

My eyes widened.
And I pull off from the kiss.

"OMG! CUUUUTTTT!!!" Direk shouted. Yes, she said it with an "OMG!"

"Why did you do that?" I pushed Quen away.
"Hahahaha! I'm sorry. I just can't resist!" he said.

"It's not funny!" I said.

And now, everyone's cheering and teasing us.

Gosh. What's gotten in to him and kiss me in front of a lot of people.

Ugh! I hate Quen! This isn't right!

"Okay everybody! Enough! Time to prepare for the next scene. Be here in 30 minutes." Direk said.

"Hey!" Quen said while holding my arms.

But I hurriedly walk inside the dressing room.

"Are you mad?" he asked.
"Verryyy." I coldly answered.
"Why the hell did you do that?" I asked.


"I told you already! It's hella hard to resist when you're that close to me." he said.

"And what's wrong? You are my girlfriend. I'm your boyfriend. I guess, I have the right to kiss you." he added.

"No! You don't! You cannot just kiss me like that. And in front of a lot of people? We're at work!" I said.

"Oh my gosh, Quen! People shouldn't know about this." I added.

I'm really mad.

"Okay. I'm sorry...
You're right! I shouldn't done that. I'm sorry. It will never happen again." he said and walked out of the room.

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