Meeting Everyone

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Um I guess this is going to be a Aaron x reader. Am i mean Aaron from minecraft diaries that belong to Aphmau I do not own his character or anything or anyone i use in this story. By the way When I type something that sub is saying he is either signing it or writing or typing it but don't worry i will put what he is doing when he talks.

(Y/N's pov)

UGH! why did we have to move. I miss my old friends and my old room. I sighed in sadness now. I looked around in my room to see it was bigger but that's about it. Why, why did we have to move. Well I guess there is nothing to do about it but just unpack.

~~After you get done packing~~

Well that was quick. Now what can I do? Hm I guess I could go an see the school and find my classes before its time for me to go. I think I will wear my (F/C) hoodie and (F/C) pants. I grabbed my bookbag and headed out the door as I said bye to my parents. We don't live that far from the school, so I guess that's a good thing, so I won't be late like I used to at my old school. I opened the door and looked around to find the office. Um I thought the office was around here somewhere. "Hey do you need some help?" I looked to see a girl about my age with black hair and wearing a purple sweater. "Um yes I do, you see I am new here and I am trying to find the office so I can get my schedule and find my classes before its time for school to begin." "Oh I actually help out in the office and i can give you your schedule and show you where all of your classes are at. By the way my name is Aphmau, but you can call me Jess." "Oh hello my name is (Y/N) nice to meet you Jess." "Nice to meet you too (Y/N), now follow me so we can get you set up for the day." We walked beside each other talking about things we like and things we have in common. "Ok (y/n) here is your schedule and now we can go to your classes so you won't get lost so bad." She said with a smile.

~After a while~

"So now that you know where your classes are do you want help with anything else?" "Um no I think I am good for now. But thank you for helping me out Aphmau." "No problem, but um do you want to hang out with me and my friends for a bit?" "Umm sure why not." "Great come on" She said as she dragged me to where she said her friends hangout in the mornings. As we walked up I could see a lot of people talking and playing around. "Hey guys I have a new friend I would like you all to meet her." I looked to see everyone stop what they were doing and look at us. "Who's your friend Aphmau?" A guy asked with sunglasses on and an amulet around his neck. "Guys meet (Y/N) she just moved here." I just waved at everyone and gave them a small smile. I could see some giving me smiles back and others looking at me weird. "Hi (y/n) I am Adam but you can call me Sky everyone does." "Hi I am Ty or Deadlox." "I am Tyler or munchingbrotato." "Mitch or BajanCanadian" "I am Jerome or known as bacca, or-" "FLUFFY!" Adam screamed as he tackled Jerome. I couldn't help but giggle at the look on Jerome's face. "Hey guys where's Aaron?" I looked at Jess to see she had a worried look on her face. "Oh yeah he said that he would be right back." I laughed as Jerome chased Adam around and as Mitch chased Jerome to stop him from hurting Adam. I laughed so hard that I almost fell backward but I felt someone catch me before I could hit the ground. I looked up to see a guy wearing a red hoodie and a mask but for some reason he wasn't wearing a shirt under his hoodie. "You ok?" "Yeah, uh thanks for catching me." "No problem" He helped me up and I saw Jess walking to us smiling. "Aaron I thought you would miss meeting (y/n)." Oh so this is Aaron. "Oh so you are the new student I was getting text about while I was gone?" "Who told you she was here?" "The guys blew up my phone about the new girl." We looked over to see the guys blushing at this. "Guys did you text Aaron about (y/n)?" "Maybe..... ok fine but can you blame us I mean she is so cute, SUB CAN I KEEP HER?" He said as he looked a guy with bright green eyes and wearing a green shirt with grey pants. He shook his head no as Adam whined. "WHY SUB SHE'S SO CUTE, PLEASE????!!!!!!!!" I could tell the guy named Sub was getting a bit angry about this but I think it was in a playful way. I only laughed as Adam kept bugging sub to let him keep me. "Adam you can't keep (Y/N)" Jerome said crossing his arms while walking over to me. "AW WHY FLUFFY?!" "Because me and mitch are going to keep her." He said as Mitch came up behind me and lifted me onto his shoulders and ran away while laughing. "HEY COME BACK HERE WITH (Y/N)!!!" Adam screamed as he chased us. "Guys stop bothering (y/n)." "But Jess she's so cute." "I know Adam but she just got here we don't want to frighten her do we?" "No I guess not." I was still being carried by mitch when he walked back to the group. "Um can you put me down Mitch?" "Fine." He let me down gently I looked at him to see a fake pout on his face. "Aw Mitch I am sorry but I don't like being carried." "Why not? Your so cute and tiny you should love being carried and love being the center of attention." "Yea but I really don't it makes me uncomfortable." "Oh sorry I didn't know." "It's ok." We sat and talked the rest of the time until the bell rang.

"Ok guys see you at lunch." Jess said as she dragged me to our first class. When we got in there i saw one empty seat by the window so I took it and waited for the teacher to come in. But suddenly all the girls came rushing in and surrounding a chair screaming and sighing. I looked over to see Aaron in the center not looking to happy with this. "Girls please please I will talk to you all later but right now I want to go sit by my friend (y/n)." He said to the group as he walked over to me. "Hey." "Hey, so um I guess that is your fan club then?" "Yeah but they never leave me alone, I can't even eat without them around me." "Aw poor Aaron." I said in a sad voice. He only smiled at this. "So why did you want to sit with me instead of your seat?" "Because you aren't hanging with the other girls who surround me or everyone else they think is hot." I giggled as he talked because his face was priceless he looked so scared and calm at the same time. "Oh?" "Yeah, hey do you want to hang out with me and the guys later after school?" "Um sure I mean my parents want me to make friends so they really don't care as long as I am happy so I don't think they will mind." "Great I will let the other guys know so they can decide where to hang out at." "Ok." So both of us exchanged numbers and by then the teacher came in and started the class. "SO class today we are going to be in groups for this assignment-" Before she could finish I was shoved out of my chair and the girls started to surround Aaron asking to be his partner. "Ow you could of asked me to move instead of shoving me out of the way." I said rubbing my head. All of the girls stopped talking and looked at me, as this happened everyone in the room got quiet. One of the girls turned around to look at me with a face of disgust. "Um what did you say?" "Um I said you could of asked me instead of shoving me out of the way." "Um I am sorry but I am guessing you're new here considering that you don't know who I am." "Um am I supposed to or something because if I am I honestly don't care, it's not like your more important than anyone here." "Ha. Thats funny because if you didn't know I am Chloe the mayor's daughter." "Oh really well it's nice to meet you, my name is I don't care." "What?" "Yea I said I don't care you think you're so special because your fathers the mayor but you're not you're a normal girl like everyone else here." As I finished talking I heard the whole class gasp. I guess I must of said something I shouldn't have. "Um excuse you? Who do you think you are walking in here and talking to me like that." "Um, I am (y/n) an I really don't care who you think you are, I just wanted to let you know you could of asked instead of being rude." I said getting up and grabbing my bag to move next to Aphmau. But before I could even make a step I felt someone grab my shoulder and pull me backwards. "Listen here you piece of shit I run things around here and what I say goes so you better apologize before I make your school year a living hell for you." I just rolled my eyes and walked to the door as I grab the handle I hear Chloe gasp and grunt at me because I didn't bow down to her for forgiveness and I hear the teacher call my name. "Um Miss.(y/n) where are you going?" "Um to the principal's office because I made a disruption in class." "No you don't you are going to go back to your seat." "So wait I am not in trouble for this?" "No it was their fault for causing it but you don't go to the office for stuff like that here at this school." "Oh I am sorry Thats how we did it back at my old school." "It's ok dear you didn't know, so please take your seat as well as the others." I only shrugged and went back to my seat next to Aaron. "Hey that was cool of you to stick up to her like that." "Really dosen't anyone else get tired of her?" "Yes but they are too afraid of her to stand up to her." Well I guess I am going to pay later for what I just did considering how she was acting.

tbc if you guys want

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