Finding Gifts

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(sorry for not updating much I am trying to upload two chapters at a time if I can so sorry for the wait)

~~~~~Next day~~~~~

((y/n)'s POV)

I sighed as I walked into the mall an looked for gifts for my friends. Ok so I will get Mitches and Jerome's first then Sky an the Ty's an Aphmau then finally Sub and Aaron.

~~~An Hour~~~

I walked around with a bg to put everyone's gift in once I bought them. I smiled as I looked into my bag to see I only need Sub's and Aaron's gift to get. I smiled as I walked around an looked more carefully for their gifts. Let me see what would be best for Sub's gift. I smiled as I found a text to voice translator for him. I giggled as I handed to the cashier to scan an pay for. He could use this for when he can't get Lucinda's potions. I hope he likes it after I program it to have his voice. Now lastly Aaron. I sighed as I continued to look around for a gift.

~~What felt like Hours later~~~

I groaned as I continued to look for a gift for Aaron. I soon walk up to a kind of hoodie store an saw two hoodies that were like mine an his but they matched in a way. I smiled an grabbed them both an payed for them. Now all I have to do is put them up until the winter break. I smiled an walked back to Sub's house and put them in my room. I giggled as I felt Sans and Snowball sniffing my leg an wagging their tails. "Oh you guys want some treats?" They both hopped an went to the kitchin. I giggled more as I followed them an got them some apples slices. "There you go you two enjoy." I said as I went to sit down on the couch. I soon fell asleep on the couch while watching TV.

~~~~~Sub wakes you up~~~~

((y/n)'s POV)

I yawned an stretched as I looked at Sub and smiled. "Hey Sub when did you get here?" He signed to me that he just got home. I smiled an sat up. "Hey Sub do you want me to give you your gift early? Because I think it might be good for you to use now." He shook his head no an told me to wait until the break. I nodded an hugged Sub. "So you ready for the break?" He nodded an smiled. "You know something Sub?" He looked at me with a confused look. "Your to cute sometimes." I said with a smile an then giggled a bit as I saw a blush grow on his face. "Sub thanks for being a goof and great friend to me this year an the years on." I said as I kissed his cheek an went into the kitchen to get me a drink. I smiled as I left Sub in a blushing mess. I giggled more as I heard Sky and Aaron walk in asking him why he was blushing. I walked back into the room an sat down. "(Y/n) what did you do to Sub?" "Well I thanked him for being a great friend an then after I said that I kissed his cheek an went to get me a drink. I hope you don't mind Aaron." I said as I took a sip of my drink. "I don't mind as long as I get one." I smiled an went over to him an kissed his cheek then I did the same to Sky. "I didn't want you to feel left out Sky." "Thanks (Y/n) that was nice of you." I smiled an hugged Sky and Sub. "I am glad I have great friends now." I giggled as Sky picked me up an hugged me. "Well (Y/N) we are glad to have you as a friend an for you to have helped the school like you did." I smiled as Sky hugged me more along with Sub. "Guys I want to hug my girlfriend too." Aaron said as he crossed his arms. "Fine." Sky said in a fake sad voice as he let me go an let Aaron hug me. I giggled as I continued to hug Aaron. "Oh guys I am going to leave for a few days to hangout with my brother for a bit an I will be back before Christmas and Christmas eve. I want to hangout with him for a bit of this holiday." I said as I grabbed my bag and Sans. "But but (y/n) you can't leave us." I smiled an rolled my eyes. "I will be back soon but I have to go be with my family for a bit." "Fine but call us when you can." I nodded an got into my car an drove to Lee's house. I smiled as I pulled into the driveway an knocked on the door. I smiled as the door opened to revile my brother in only his boxers. I quickly covered my eyes. "BRO YOU KNEW I WAS COMING OVER PUT ON SOME PANTS!!!" I yelled as he blushed an rushed to put pants on. I giggled as I sat down on his couch an waited for him to finish. "So so sorry sis I just woke up." "It's cool bro its a good thing I didn't catch you coming from work and getting ready to take a show." I smiled an giggled as I hugged my brother. "So you did tell your friends so they don't worry right?" I nodded an put my bags down. "Yep but Sky didn't want me to go though." I said as I giggled. "Really is he the one with the hood?" "No he is the ones with the shades, Aaron is the one with the hood." He nodded an handed me a drink as he turned on the TV. "So what do you want to do while your here?" I shrugged an snuggled into one of my bros hoodies. "Hey is that my hoodie?" I nodded an smiled. "I found it an now it is mine an plus you know I look cute into your oversized hoodies." I said as I snuggled more into his hoodie. He just laughed a bit an hugged me. "Yeah but let's just focus on what we should do together while your here." I nodded an started to think about stuff we could do. I sighed as I tried to think about more things we could do. "How about we play videogames?" I said as I watched him nod an set up the gaming system for us to play on. I smiled as I started to think about the old days where we would play games all the time together. I grabbed a controller an started to play a co-op with him on zombies. I giggled so much as I had to keep healing him an him healing me. Soon we both were in a laughing fit after we got to wave 23. I laughed so hard that I had tears falling from my eyes. I soon calmed down an when back to the game. I smiled as I started to get the most kills. "It looks like I am winning bro." I said as I kept going.

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