The Date Dinner part one

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 ((y/n)'s pov)

I sighed an looked for the dress that i wore when i met Aaron. I groaned as i continued to look for the dress. Where could it be. I looked all around the house to see if i had misplaced it. I sighed as i felt myself about to cry. I just want to make Aaron happy an do what he asked me to but i can't if i can't find it. Maybe Sub has seen it. I went to Sub's room an knocked on the door. "Hey Sub?" I hear him tap his desk signaling me to come in. I opened the door to see sub was busy working on some math homework. "Sub are you to busy to help me with something at the moment?" He shook his head an turned to look at me nodding his head to let me know to continue with my question. "Well i need help looking for my dress i can't seem to find it. So i was wondering if you had seen it."He shook his head no an shrugged. I sighed an felt tears forming an stinging my eyes. Sub quickly hugged me an tried to calm me down. I looked as Sub an whimpered. "What am i going to do Sub Aaron wants me to wear that dress for the dinner he's making tonight." I sighed as I kept looking for the dress. I knocked on Ethan's door waiting for an answer. I open the door when i hear him say to come in. "Hey Ethan um can you help me with something?" "Sure what's up (y/n)?" I sighed. "Well do you remember that blue dress i wore before?" He nodded an waited for me to continue. "Well Aaron wants me to wear it for the dinner he made tonight but i can't seem to find it anywhere i even asked Sub but he hasn't seen it either." I watched as Ethan started to think about where he last saw my dress at. "To be honest with you (y/n) i think you may have gave it back to Kawaii~chan." I thought for a second an nodded. "You may be right Ethan, I'mma call her an ask her." I sighed an when to my room to call Kawaii~chan.

(One call later an still (y/n)'s pov)

I sighed as i hung up on Kawaii~chan an rubbed my face in relief. I am so glad she has it an is ok with me borrowing it again. I sighed as i asked Sub to drive me over to her house. He nodded an we drove off to Kawaii~chans house. I smiled as she opened the door an handed the dress to me. "Kawaii~chan wishes (y/n)~chan good luck on your date tonight." "Thanks Kawaii~chan an i will bring it back when i am done with it ok?" She shook her head no while i gave her a confused look. "Keep it Kawaii~chan doesn't need it (y/n)~chan could use it more than Kawaii~chan can." I smiled an hugs Kawaii~chan. "Thank you kawaii~chan this means so much to me." She just smiled an wagged her tail. "Its no problem Kawaii~chan would do this for any of Kawaii~chans friends." i smiled an waved bye as i walked back to the car. The car ride back was silent as i watched everything fly by.

~~~~~~~At the house~~~~~~~

(your pov still)

I sighed happily as i when up to my room an got ready for Aaron to pick me up. I smiled at myself in the mirror as i finished getting ready. I walked back downstairs to find Sub was playing with snowball and sans. I giggled quietly as i sat there an watched him having fun. I smiled an looked at my phone to text Aaron that i was ready. I told Sub i was going to stay the night at Aaron's after the date. He nodded an continued playing with the rabbits. I smiled as i grabbed my overnight bag an placed it next to the door. Once i had everything together i walked into the kitchen an grabbed me a drink while i waited for Aaron to drive up. I smiled an pet Sans as i waited. I watched the tv an soon fell asleep.

~~~~~~~After your nap~~~~~~~

(Aaron's POV)

I smiled as i got out of my car an walked up the walkway to Sub's house. I knocked on the door an waited for Sub or someone to answer the door. I smiled as i saw Sub opening the door an letting me in. I looked around as i was trying to see where (y/n) was. I guess Sub could tell i was looking for her an pointed to the couch. I looked at him in confusion as i walked over to the couch to find (y/n) asleep on the couch. I couldn't help but smile as she twitches in her sleep. I looked at Sub an smiled as he nodded. I gently shook (y/n)'s shoulder to wake her up. "(Y/n) it's time to wake up so we can go over to the house to hangout with Lighter and Lilly." She started to wake up an stretch. "Hey Aaron did you wait long?" I shook my head no. "Sorry i fell asleep while waiting for you." I nodded. "It's ok. Sorry i was late, Lighter was freaking out about not being able to find his suite when it was right in his room on his bed." I smiled more as she giggled. I grabbed her bag for her an took it to the car an grabbed her coat for her. I waved bye to Sub but not before he had Ethan say "NO FUNNY BUSINESS MISTER AN HAVE HER BACK BEFORE 12:00!" I laughed along with (Y/n) as she said "OK DADS I LOVE YOU SEE YOU TOMORROW!" I smiled more as i opened the door for her an helped her into the car. I started down the road an pulled into a gas station before i could get far cause i forgot to get gas before i came over.

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