The Date

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~After the walk to the movies~

(Aaron's POV)

I waited beside Dante and Reese. I can't wait to see the dress Kawaii~chans chose for (y/n). I could feel my blush growing as I kept thinking about what it would look like. I looked to see Dante blushing more than I was. I followed his line of sight to see what he was staring at. My eyes got wide and I felt my face heating up as I saw the girls walked up. The dress (y/n) was wearing made her look more lovely than when I first saw her. I could feel some blood running down my face. CRAP! I am having a nosebleed from seeing her. I looked to see Dante having one to. I quickly wiped my face and nudged Dante to do the same. "Well hello there Kawaii~chan I must say that dress makes you look lovely today." Reese said.


I smiled as I saw Kawaii~chan blushing as Reese kissed her hand after complimenting her dress. I could tell she was so happy. I looked to see Dante blushing while he was looking at Nicole. I sighed as I looked at everyone threw my glasses. I still was wearing them because my eyes were still hurting. I looked to see Aaron blushing. I looked at him with a confused face. "Um Aaron are you ok?" "Oh um yeah I am fine why are you asking?" "Because your face is really red." I said as I put my hand to his forehead to see if he had a temperature. (Aw poor Aaron and poor confused (y/n)~chan. :) ) "Oh my face is red because I feel a bit hot. That's all." "Oh ok if you're sure." I smiled as I waited. I looked at Kawaii~chan to see her and reese buying the tickets and some snacks. "So um thank you for going on this date to help Kawaii~chan." "No problem. I love helping my friends." I blushed as he gave me a cute smile. "Ok guys we got the tickets." I looked to see Reese handing me a ticket. "So shall we go?" We all nodded as we followed Reese to our seats. I sat down next to Aaron and waited for the movie to start.

~middle of movie~


After awhile I suddenly felt cold. I looked to see Kawaii~chan snuggling into Reese's chest I couldn't help but smile at this. Then I looked at Nicole to see she was doing the same thing but blushing more. I couldn't help but giggle at who they were acting. "Hey what are you giggling at?" Aaron asked while smiling. "Oh nothing just thinking about something." I smiled back. I then looked back at the screen. I jumped suddenly when I felt someone put their arm around me. I looked to see Aaron smiling but looking at the screen. I giggled again. Really? Really? He is going with the oldest thing in the book? But I gotta admit it's kinda cute that he is doing that. Soon the movie ended. I was waiting for the others to walk out. While I was waiting someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to see Laurance standing there smiling. I just rolled my eyes. "Hey there (Y/n) I didn't expect you to be here." "Well here I am. Now please leave me alone." I said as I turned away. "Now I have a question for you (y/n)." "Ugh. What do you want?" "Now what is a pretty lady like you doing here by yourself?" "I am not here by myself. I am here with Kawaii~chan, Aaron, Reese,Nicole and Dante so if you would be so kind to leave me alone." I said getting a little mad that he wouldn't leave. "Oh really? Because I don't see them anywhere." I just groaned. "Hey (y/n) sorry we took so long." Aaron said as he put his arm around me. I am going to guess my face was so red that I felt like I was on fire. "Oh hey Laurance when did you get here?" I looked to see Laurance looking mad at Aaron. "So are you ready to go now?" I nodded as he lead me to where Nicole and Kawaii~chan were. "Reese~Senpai Kawaii~chan had so much fun on this date thank you for taking Kawaii~chan." I smiled as she jumped up and down while hugging him. "It was no problem Kawaii~chan maybe we can do this again sometime." Kawaii~chan nodded. "Ok then well I have to get going before Sub worries, so bye guys this was fun thanks for bringing me." I said as I started to walk out the doors. "Hey (y/n) wait up." I turned to see Aaron running toward me. "Oh yes Aaron did I forget something?" "No but I thought since Sub lives so far away that I would drive you there." "Oh well thank you Aaron that's so sweet of you." I said as I followed him to his car.

~At the door to Sub's house~

((y/n) pov)

I walked up the steps and looked at Aaron. "Um thanks but you didn't have to walk me up here." "I know but I didn't want to leave without doing this." I looked at him with a confused face as he slowly leaned in. Before he could reach my face the door opened. (Ha thought you were going to get a kiss huh?) to reveal a sort of angry Sub and Ethan. "Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?" I looked at Sub and Ethan and laughed. "Um......." "You sir have kept her out past her bedtime you said you would have her back before 2 it is 4." "Oh yeah I am sorry we got caught up in the movie. Sorry sirs I will do better next time." He answered in a joking tone. "Well don't let it happen again." I couldn't stop giggling. "Ok so um see you around (y/n)?" I nodded. He turned to leave but gave me a quick kiss on the lips before speeding off to his car. Leaving me in a blushing mess.

(Tbc I decide to be nice and Enjoy and good night. my fluffies until next time.)

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