The Date Dinner part 3

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((Y/n's) POV)

I smiled as i waited for Lilly and Lighter to join us for dinner. I giggled at Aaron as i saw him staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I could tell that he was thinking about us. I just wish i could tell what he is thinking about. I smiled an nuzzled Aaron under his chin an sighed happily. I hope everything will be as good as it is now. I think i have never been more happier in my life.

~~~~~Now everyone is at the table~~~~~

((y/n)'s POV again)

I giggled as Aaron an Lighter were joking each other playfully. They are like children i swear. While i was giggling Aaron leaned over to my ear an started to whisper, "Hey love do you wanna have some "fun" later tonight?" I instantly felt my face heat up in embarrassment. I looked at Aaron an shoved him lightly an hid my face into my hands. "Aaron what did you do to the poor girl?" I could hear him chuckling more while i only tried to hide more an tried to disappear. "Aaron don't tease her or she might leave an i wanted to have kinda like a girls night with her tonight." I heard Lilly say as she took a sip of her wine. "(Y/n) what did he whisper to you?" I blushed even more. "Um excuse me i have to use the restroom." I said quickly as i got up from the table an ran to the bathroom an locked the door. I started to feel myself breathing kinda heavy. Oh great i am having a panic attack (idk how those work but plz don't be offended or try to tell me i am doing something wrong plz) I tried my best to calm down an to control myself from passing out.

~~~~~~A few minutes later~~~~~~

((y/n)'s pov)

I sighed as i finally got calmed down an splashed some water on my face an dried off unlocking the door an went back into the Kitchen. "Sorry guys i had to take care of something. But again sorry for making you wait." I smiled as they nodded an we all went back to eating the food an chatting. Lily stared at me as if wanting to know what was on my mind and what Aaron had said. I just happily smiled and took a sip of my wine. Later on when we were done eating Lily was non stop asking what Aaron said and why i blushed so hard. I didn't ignore her, but i didn't want to answer her question because i was too embarrassed to even talk about it. "Lilly i will tell you later it's to embarrassing to say out loud.'' she shrugged and nodded and walked off to the couch an took her seat next to Lighter. After a few minutes me and Aaron followed. I sighed as i snuggled closer to Aaron an kissed his cheek while giggling as Aaron told Lilly about how bad Lighter was freaking out earlier about everything being perfect for her an me when we came over.

(Aaron's pov)

I smiled an laughed as Lighter started to give me a sort of death glare. I sighed an nodded to him as he walked Lilly over to where i was sitting an made her sit next to (y/n). I sighed trying to calm myself down. I looked at (y/n) an Lilly an smiled as me an Lighter got on one knee. I smiled even more as I saw (Y/n) starting to get tears in her eyes as well as Lilly. "(Y/n) I love you so much. I loved you from the first moment when jess introduced us to each other, an i realized i loved you even more when you stood up to Chloe for being a bitch an for being a bully to everyone. But i thought i was going to die when i lost you to Laurance that time i thought i would never be ok anymore i thought my life was over like all my will to live left when you said you loved him. You can even ask Lighter i was so miserable I wouldn't even go out with our friends i just sat in my room crying. But when they broke the spell on you an you said you loved me i felt like i was whole again i felt as if my life was complete again. I just couldn't even explain how happy i was to have you back. I don't even know if i can explain it now. Hehe. But now with all that i have said i am saying this because i can't live without you so (Y/n)?" I said as i grabbed her hands an looked her in the eyes. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? I will never harm you or leave you alone i can't live with the thought of someone might having a chance to take you from me an i was you to be with me forever an alway. So will you please make me the happiest man alive an be my wife?" I said with a final deep breath as i waited for her to answer. But then she started to cry making me think i did a bad thing to only have her tackle me to the floor screaming yes. "YES AARON I WILL. YES I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AARON!" She said as she smashed our lips together. I smiled into the kiss as i set us both up an broke the kiss to pull her into my chest an look at Lighter. "Lilly the same goes for me to you but without the Laurance part. I feel as if without you i can't have the will to live so will you do me the honor of marrying me an being my wife?" She nodded an tackled Lighter to the ground kissing him an making him fall on his back.

((y/n)'s POV)

I started to cry harder an hugged Aaron tighter as i kissed him. "Aaron is this what you an lighter were talking about when i came over earlier?" He just smiled an nodded. I gently wiped my eyes to get the tears out of my eyes. But before i could i wipe my eyes Aaron used his thumb to gently wipe the tears away. I smiled more kissed him more as i continued to nuzzle him. I gently smiled an kissed Aaron's cheek. "I love you Aaron." "I love you to (Y/n)." I was so happy that i can contain my happiness. "Aaron can i text my brother to let him know right now cause i want him to be the first one to know besides my uncle because they would be mad if i waited to tell them with the other." He chuckled as he nodded. I giggled as i walked out of the room an called my brother an then my uncle. I giggled as they started to ramble only for me to hang up an go back to Aaron. I kissed Aaron when i got back an giggled as Lighter kept blushing as Lilly kept hugging an kissing him in thanks an in happiness.

~~~~~~Later toward the night~~~~~~

(Aaron's POV)

I smiled as i sighed to calmed down. Gosh i was so nervous that she would say no but i don't know why i would think that. I guess that's how every guy feels when he proposes to his girlfriend. Now i can feel complete without having to worry about someone taking (y/n) from me. I am so happy i don't even know what to do with myself. 

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