Confusion or Confession

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~After lunch~

I walked around trying to find Aaron but I couldn't find him any where. Huh maybe he has gym now? I walk to the gym and looked to see Him working out with a bunch of girls surrounding him. I just sighed as I started to walk towards him. "Um excuse me?" I saw Aaron look up with his mask still on but he seemed a bit sad, I wonder what's wrong? "Oh hey (y/n) what are you doing here?" "Um I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second, but if you're busy I won't mind coming back later." I said as I turned to leave. "Wait I can talk to you for a second." I heard him get up and walk over to me. I smiled as I looked at him. "Ok so now what is it you want to talk about?" I blushed as he gave me a smirk. "Um I just wanted to know if you are ok? It seems that you're not and I was wondering also if I have done anything to make you upset?" I didn't look at him anymore I just looked down at my feet and waited for him to respond.

(Aaron's pov)

I smiled at how (y/n) blushed, it made her so cute I just want to kiss her again but I need to control myself so I don't make her angry at me. "(y/n) I thank you for checking up on me but I am ok and no you didn't do anything to make me mad at you, you infact did the complete opposite of that." I said with a smile. I could see her blush growing a bit and didn't help that it made her more cute than before. My gosh I just want to hug her and kissed until I can't. I sighed. "Um (y/n) actually I have something I want to tell you and I been wanting to tell you for a while." She looked at me with confusion written all over her face. "Um what is it Aaron?" "Um I don't know how to say this but I love you. I have loved you ever since your second day of being here, and the date we went on made me realise that I love you and want to be with you all I can and I want to know do you feel the same and want to if you will be my girlfriend?" I said as I felt my face heat up. I could tell she was surprised because her face was turning a darker red than before.

((Y/n)'s pov)

Aaron loves me? But how I don't have anything special about me so how can he love me when all I do is cry a lot. I looked at him with a smile. "Um Aaron I didn't know you felt this way about me but I will admit I feel the same about you and I would first like to go on a date with you by our self and then I will decide if I will be your girlfriend, is that ok with you?" I said looking at him. "Of course (y/n). I am so glad you are giving me a chance."

(Aaron's POV)

I was so happy that I picked her up and spun us around. As I did I heard her giggle and I looked her in the face as I leaned in to kisser. But before I could kiss her Laurace walked up. I growled a bit as he pulled (y/n) away to ask her a question. I could feel my anger start to build up but I waited to see what was going to happen.

(Laurance's pov)

I saw Aaron pick up (y/n) I growled. (y/n) is going to my girlfriend not his. I will make sure she loves me and not Aaron. I mean I am way better looking than him and all of the girls love me so why doesn't she love me. It doesn't matter I will win her over and make her mine. I am sure of it. I walked over to (y/n) and pulled her away from Aaron to talk to her. "(y/n) I was wondering if you would go out with me this weekend?" I said trying to use my charm to make her swoon while giving her one of my famous smiles. I looked at her to see she wasn't being affected by my smile or nothing. "Look Laurance I have already told you I am not interested in you. So with that being said leave me alone and go after one of your fangirls instead." She said as she turned and walked back to Aaron. I just watched her with a confused expression on my face. Why didn't that work. My charm always works on other girls but not (Y/n) Why? Well I guess I will have to try harder to get what I want. I smirked as I walked away to start forming a plan to win (y/n) over.

((y/n)'s pov)

I sighed as I walked back to Aaron. "So what was that about?" I giggled at Aaron. "What?" "I am laughing because I can tell that you got angry with Laurance, but don't worry he asked me out and I told him the same thing I did on my first day that I am not interested in him so he should go flirt with one of his fangirls." I said as I hugged Aaron and snuggled into his chest. I could tell he calmed down as I hugged him. I let go of him and waved bye as I walked out the door. I can't wait until our date this weekend. I hope everything goes well. I walked into my next class to see my friends looking at me with confusion on their faces. I sat next to Sub and hugged him. "Whats got you so happy?" "Oh nothing but you might want to ask Aaron I said as I pointed to him walking in with a love struck face. I giggled as I put my face into Sub's chest. He poked me I looked at him and whispered into his ear. I looked to see Sub was happy. He picked me up and squeezed me. I laughed along with Sub. Everyone besides Aaron was confused. "Um (y/n) What's going on?" I kept quiet. "Oh um I can answer that." Aaron said. I waited along with Sub for everyone's reaction after Aaron finished explaining what happened. I had started a game of dots with sub while we waited. So far I was winning. "Oh my gosh (y/n) I am so proud of you." Aphmau said as he hugged me, I just smiled as I kept playing against Sub. "So is that why Aaron's face is red?" I nodded. I smiled as I looked at Sub. "I win Sub." I giggled as he looked at me with a pout. I smiled as I got up and walked out to go meet Ethan so he could take me home.

~After the drive home~

I sat down on the couch as I took a sip of my tea. Sub poked me and showed me a paper. "Huh what's this Sub?" I took the paper to see that it said Chloe's father if funding a dance tomorrow night at the school. "Really why am I not surprised." Sub pointed at it again. "What is it Sub?" He then handed me a bunch of notes. "Um ok then." I opened each one to see that they were notes from people who want to take me to that dance. "Oh did they ask you to give them to me?" He nodded and then handed me two more but they were colored different than the others. One was green and then the other was red. I looked at Sub. "Sub is the green one from you and the red one from Aaron?" He blushed and nodded while looking at his shoes. I giggled. "Hey Sub can you look at me please?" He looked up. "Now is Aaron on his way here to get an answer from me?" He nodded again. "Well I will tell you both my answer when he gets here,ok?" He just smiled and sat next to me.

~Awhile later~

((y/n) pov still)

I had snuggled into Sub and somehow fell asleep. Ethan had let Aaron in since Sub couldn't get up. "Hey (y/n) and Sub." I looked to see Aaron smiling. "Oh hey Aaron, Sub gave me your note." "So what's your answer?" "Well I want to talk to you about that." He seemed confused. "So I promised that after having a real date I would decide if I will date you or not, and at the dance you're going to have to dance with Chloe and not me. So I don't want there to be a fight because of me so I was hoping it would be ok with you that I go with Sub this time as friends. Then next time after our date I will dance with you" I said with a smile. "(Y/n) I don't mind that but I mean I would rather dance with you but you make a good point so that's ok with me. How about you Sub, you ok with that?" We both looked at Sub to see him nodding happily. I giggled at how cute Sub was acting just now. I can't wait for the dance now that everything is settled.

(tbc enjoy me fluffies. Till the next chapture)

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