Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Aidan’s Point of View

“Hi…Stephen…” I blushed. Why does he have to catch us again?

 “Um James…do we need to talk…because I don’t mind.” Stephen said looked at James.

 “Um…no I’m OK…my uh parents can’t know because…they already hate me enough…you know that.” James mumbled.

 “OK…OK. But you know Richard doesn’t like that kind of behavior going on in the camp.”  Stephen lowered his hair and stared at us.

 “Don’t worry…we’ll be good boys…” I smiled awkwardly. Suddenly Richard walked in and let out a slight gasp. That’s when I realized my pants were still undone.

 “What’s going on?” Richard asked with a shocked look on his face.

 “Um well I went to the washroom and as I was doing my pants up again James came in and we started talking...then I forgot and then you guys came in.” I blushed a deep red…I could feel it.

 “Uh…OK…” Richard stared at us suspiciously. “Have…did you see two boys…come in here?”

 "You mean the ones that got caught in the girls cabin? Yeah we heard them talking while we were in the sta- Oh I mean when I came in and saw Aidan and them talking. They left a while ago…” James blushed and his lip was trembling.

 “Um…OK. Do you know where they went?” Richard asked looking annoyed.

 “No…” James and I shook our heads and started to walk away.

 “Boys…” We stopped and stood in front of Stephen and Richard. “Tonight is dress up dinner.” Oh yeah it’s Sunday.

 “OH! Another dance!” I clapped my hands excitedly to distract me from the awkwardness.

 “Yes. I’m glad you’re excited, we will see you there boys.” Stephen and Richard smiled then walked out of the washroom.

 “Oh. My. God.” James’s jaw dropped. “I thought we were in deep shit for a minute there…”

 “Yeah! Jesus…” I turned to him. “But I know what we are dressing up as for dinner this time!”

 “What?” James asked.





 “Well…we don’t have to if you don’t…want to…it was just an idea.” I lowered my head and pouted.

 “Oh my God. Don’t make me sad. I was only playing with you. I guess you can dress me like a girl for one dinner.” James whined then pulled my lips to his, kissing me sweetly.

“You two look ridiculous!” Henrietta laughed.  “Let me fix you guys up.”

 Henrietta sat us down on the couches. We just wore my multi-color skinny jeans and tied up some tank tops. I threw on a wig but James didn’t have to.

 Henrietta told us to take off our shirts and we did. As we did that she grabbed to necklaces and handed them to us. I turned around and let James clip the necklace on me and then I did the same to him.

 She handed us two black fabric things and told us it was a bando and we put it over our chests. We helped each other slip them on and we looked like we had censor bars on our nipples.

 “Oh wow…” I laughed but then suddenly I felt cold fabric hit my face.

 “Put them on…” Henrietta demanded and I looked at James who was putting on the baggy tank top thing, I did the same.

 Suddenly Henrietta grabbed a bag of make up. “AH HELL NO!” James and I shrieked, standing up and backing away.

 “UGH! Fine! Then at least let me fix your wig and crimp James’s hair.” Henrietta sighed.

 I said OK but James hesitated for a minute. “Um…what does crimp mean?”

 “I’m just making your hair look curlier!” Henrietta smiled.

 “Um…uh…I don’t know…” James looked away from my sister.

 “PLEASE!!!!” She begged.

 “Er…uh…fine…” James sat back down and she pulled him up again to the bathroom where the crimper was already sitting, warm.

 “James…you looked so abused and sad!” I pouted, feeling sorry for him.

 “Good…because that’s exactly how I feel.” James pouted, angrily. I ran to him and sat on my knees in front of him.

 “Aw…muffin. At least your stuck here and I can do anything to you.”

 “I can move you know.”

 “No you can’t. Unless you want me to burn all your hair off.” Henrietta snapped.

 “Shit…” James huffed, smiling sheepishly. “I’m a total pushover.”

 “Yeah put you’re MY pushover.” I sang, nudging his leg. I then gripped his leg and moved my hand up his leg slowly.

 “Did you not just blow me…you are hungry today…” James chuckled, grabbing my hand and holding it to his lips.

 “DONE!” Henrietta shouted with a smile of pride. I stood up and James look into the mirror.


 “I think that’s the point, baby…” He turned around with a blush on his face. I put my hands to his cheeks pulled his lips close to mine. “I’m hungry…”

 “Yeah but table etiquette says dessert is after the main course.” James said kissing me quickly then running to the door and wobbling in the flats I brought with me.

 I grabbed my wig and ran after him. “Jamie Harrison!” I called.

 “Come and get me Aidianna!” James called back. Aidianna?

 “Interesting costumes boys…”Stephen huffed as we sat across him and Richard.

“Thanks…Henrietta helped us!” I smiled.

 “Now who is Henrietta?” Richard glanced at James.

 “My sister…she shares a cabin with us.”

 “Oh yes her…” Richard chuckled.

 “So, James…how are you liking camp so far?” Stephen asked James.

 “It’s just great.” I felt James’s hand on my leg. Excuse me? “I mean Aidan as roommate makes it better and the girls here are nice.”

 Richard chuckled. I felt James’s hand move up and down my thigh and I got tingles and goose bumps all over. Why now?

 “Well…I know I’m having fun.” Stephen smiled and Richard jolted his head up, looking away from his food. Stephen had apparently taken the month off after dropping James off at the bus three weeks ago. I guess he decided to stay up here with his brother.

 Suddenly I repeated Richard’s movements and flinched as James grabbed my crotch. “Are you OK Aidan?” Stephen asked.

 “Yeah…the food is just…it has a strong flavor…” I huffed, kicking James’s leg. He winced and pulled his hand away.

 A few minutes later I felt James’s leg slide up and down mine. I blushed. Is he seriously trying to play footsie with me?

 I nudged him but then he just put his leg under mine and pushed it up and down. I pulled away and started rubbing James’s leg with mine and he chuckled lightly…this was going to be an interesting meal.

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