Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Aidan’s Point of View

James held me in his arms and caressed my cheeks. “I don’t THINK I swing that way…” he whispered.

 “Huh? What did you say?” I asked, distracted by my daydream.

 “Want to start unpacking?” James repeated.

 “Oh…uh yeah!” I followed James up the stairs. “I guess it’s pretty cool that we got this place to ourselves.”

 “Yeah, I mean now we won’t get anyone who will tell on us for having some beer.” James chuckled putting some of his clothes in his closet.

 “What? What do you mean?” I asked.

 James reached into one of his backpacks and pulled out a six-pack. “Um…say what?”

 “What…” James laughed.

 “Didn’t you just hear Richard?”

 “Yeah…but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” James said handing me the beer he just opened.

 I almost melted from the look in his eyes. Who could say no to him. I took the beer and snuck a sip. “I guess you’re right.”

 I set down my beer on my bedside table and started unpacking. I took my under wear and put it away in one of the dressers each of the beds got. I didn’t want James to see.

 I closed the drawer and started putting all my shirts and sweaters in the closet. I glanced at James. Then I started putting my pants in some other dresser drawers. I glanced at James.

 I can’t get him out of my fucking head…I looked at him again. He was taking off his shirt by slowly unbuttoning the buttons. He slipped off his shirt and threw it at his closet and grabbed his beer and took a large gulp.

 Slowly a drop of beer fell from his lip and ran down his chin and he wiped it away.

 My jeans suddenly felt tight and uncomfortable. Jesus Christ…he is so fucking hot…

 He looked over at me. “EEP!” I squealed and jumped onto my bed and rolled off to the floor. I sat up and looked over the bed. He was walking my way. Just as I was about to fall to the floor again his hand gripped my arm and pulled me up on the bed.

 “What’s your deal?” He asked getting off the bed.

 “Um…nothing.” I said, frozen in my position.

 “You look uncomfortable…”

 “I’m not…” I mumbled rolling onto my front…ow…it hurts! I let out a grunt.

 “Are you OK?” James asked, rolling me over to my back again. He was staring into my eyes and I felt paralyzed and…aroused…dammit.

 James looked away and finished a newer beer…he already finished his first one? He shook his head and he looked dizzy.

 “Yeah I’m fine…are you OK?” I asked still laying down… why did I have to wear jeans today?

 “Yeah…I’m fine…” He answered lying down and the back of his head lying down on my knees…his face is so close to my…Jesus this hurts!

 “OW!” I finally let out. “Please…get off…please.”

 Jimmy got up and spun around then fell over, backwards…can he not handle alcohol? He stood back up. “Sorry did that hurt?”

 “You have no fucking idea.” I heaved, attempting to stand up. “OW!”

 “Do you need help?” James asked, walking towards me again and grabbing my shoulders. I fell against him then he fell to the floor. No, no, no!

 I was now on top of him, almost like a straddle.

 “This hurts so much…” I mumbled into my hands.

 “What does?” James sat up and I was still sitting on his lap. His eyes widened and glanced down. Shit he totally feels my hard-on!

 What do I do?

 “Um…uh…let me explain…I mean…um…I…Jesus Christ.” I put my hands to my face. Shit.

 I felt hands on my waist suddenly. What? I took my hands away and I became warm and harder as James’s eyes stared into mine. I cringed from pain. Fuck.

 I put my hands to his cheeks. He was warm. “Can I try something?”  He asked me.

 “What, what do you want to try?”

 “Your lips…” He blushed under my hands. He pecked my lips suddenly.  I couldn’t restrain myself from his shirtless self any longer. I wrapped my arms behind his neck and kissed him hard.

 He flinched but then his lips started moving with mine. I gave him a shove and he fell to the floor without letting my lips slip away.

 I licked his lips wanting my tongue to dance with his. But he was stubborn. I pulled my lips away and started kissing and sucking his neck softly. I slid down to a lying position and started kissing his collarbone, sweetly.

 He let out a moan and I came up and stuck my tongue into his mouth and his tongue eased into the movement slowly.

 His hands suddenly snaked up my shirt and I let out a moan and shivered. “Jesus…Christ.” He began kissing my neck. He is good at this for a straight guy.

 “You taste so good…” He whispered and his hot breath tickled my neck. I sat up and slipped off my shirt and he grinned a seductive grin.

 “So you don’t think you swing this way?” I asked starting to kiss his neck again.

 “You are making it confusing with your hypnotizing eyes.” He breathed then suddenly his hands slid from my waist to my belt buckle. Oh Jesus.

 He kissed my chin then my neck. James started kissing my shoulder, sweetly. My belt was unbuckled and my jean button was being worked with.

 “No…you don’t know what you’re doing!” I got up off him. He sat up and stared at me as I did my belt back up again. “You’re drunk…” I walked downstairs. “It’s almost six thirty…let’s go to dinner.”

 Why the hell did I stop that? That was fucking amazing.  “Did I do something wrong?” James called. As he came down stairs…good he had a shirt on.

 “No you didn’t…James…you just don’t know what you’re thinking. You’re drunk.” I told him.

“I said call me Jimmy…” He came over and grabbed me by my waist.

 “Jimmy…” I coughed awkwardly. “Please…” He kissed my jaw and then started sucking my neck. I can’t do this…he is straight and drunk and I am not taking advantage of him…"Oh…stop…please…no don’t!”

 He held me up against him. “Oh. My. God…stop…” He literally slid his head up my shirt…thank god it is baggy…I’d kill him if he stretched one of my shirts.

 He kissed my belly button. Then he got on his knees and played with my belt buckle. Persistent-Drunk much!

 “STOP!” I finally sounded firm. “Jimmy! Please…let’s go to dinner you drunk bastard!”

 I pushed him away. Jesus Christ, mother fucker. “Let’s go eat!” I walked out the door and he followed me.

 I walked up the path and James was only a few feet behind me humming the tune ‘Toxic’ by Britney Spears.

 “Seriously?” I asked him knowing the song is about kissing and sex.

 “What? I like the song.” He replied.


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