Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

James’s Point of View

I HATE PRIVATE SCHOOLS! You have to wear uniforms and I have to put my hair in a bun. I mean I don’t mind my hair in a ponytail but I hat buns.

 Plus all the kids are stuck up. Even my friend Jarred is stuck up. Not as much as others but still.

 I stood at the end of my driveway and stared at the large house across from mine, waiting for the bus to pick me up. It had been empty for a while now but there were recycled boxes on the end of the driveway with three nice cars parked.

 It reminded me that Aidan told me he got a car for his back to school present. Lucky him.

 I heard a car door open then close and I snapped out of my thought then looked up to see one of the cars from the other house’s driveway, driving in the direction of the school.

 New kid I guess.

“JAMES!” I heard Jarred call out.

 “Hey man!” I answered as he ran up to me. “How was your summer? Level up your Elf?”

 “Yeah when you were gone. Oh yeah speaking of camp…you were gone for a month then when you came back you rarely came online! What’s going on? Did something dramatic happen at camp?”

 “No…I guess not…I got some good action though!” I thought of Aidan and I crouching I the shower stall as the girls stood outside talking about us. Mm Aidan. I want to feel him up against me again.

 “Nice! Well I will see you at Gym.” Jarred walked down another hall and I walked down to my English class.

 As I was walking girls winked at me ad I smiled back awkwardly. Gr. Stupid girls and their boobs. I want a bunch of Aidans to walk past and wink at me.

 That would be heaven.

 Suddenly I saw a dark skinned girl walk past me. She looked really familiar…I almost thought she looked like Aidan’s sister, Henrietta. I turned around and looked at her but her back was turned.

 Probably wasn’t her. I’m losing my mind now…great…

I walked to my gym locker and started changing into my gym uniform. I felt myself blush as half naked guys walked around everywhere.


 I kept my head down and finished getting dressed. I left the change room and walked into the Gym. I saw the gym teacher was talking to some guy in the office.

 Maybe it’s that new kid I saw driving!

 I went to go introduce myself but Jarred caught up to me and brought me to the track and when I turned back the boy was gone. Oh well.

 I started jogging beside Jarred and we started talking about our summers. But I subtracted the romance part knowing how homophobic he was. It was 2045 and my family and Jarred’s family was like the only families I knew that were homophobic these days.

I mean like it’s been like 15, 20 years since this all stopped.

 “Aidiannia? That’s a…a…different name.” Jarred told me.

 “She is foreign.” I lied. “But we snuck into the bathroom together and played around.” I wiggled my eyebrows.

 “Nice, nice…”

I sat down at my usual table with Jarred, some of his other friends and ate my food quietly.

 I finished my food and the others were still eating so I started playing around on my phone. Suddenly the song ‘Accidently In Love’ started playing loudly.

 The guys and few girls stared at me. I smiled shyly then answered.


 “Jimmy! I think I am going crazy!” Aidan blurted

 “Why?” I asked with a laugh.

 “I feel like I have seen you all over school today! I mean in the Gym I thought I saw you and this morning and I thought I saw you as I drove to school. Then Henrietta told me she thought she saw you in the halls.”

 “Weird! I have been seeing you and Henrietta too!”

 “Well I got to go to lunch! Bye! Love you!”

 “Love you too!” I hung up then started playing ‘Unicorn Attack 6’

 Suddenly I heard some girl screech my name. I jolted away from my phone and literally saw Henrietta running to me!

“HENRIETTA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?” People started stare as I hugged her.

 “Going to school what the hell are you doing here?” She replied.

 “This I my school…” Her eyes widened. Then so did mine.

 “WHERE IS AIDAN?” I shouted then the whole lunchroom went quiet and stared.  “Where is my baby?” people giggled.

 “His locker! He is at his locker!” Henrietta jumped up and down excitedly.

 “Where is his locker?” I whined.

 “I don’t know!” She huffed.

 I ran away from her and out the door, calling out Aidan’s name as I ran around the semi-empty halls.

 “AIDAN? AIDAN! WHERE ARE YOU?” I called out.

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