It's about stinking time

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NEW GAME!!! I will upload another chapter tomorrow.  I will upload an additional chapter for every ten votes I recieve.  For example if I get ten votes by tomorrow, I will upload two chapters, twenty votes and I'll upload 3 chapters, ect... Not all votes have to be for this one chapter, so one person could add 15 votes to the count.  Count is starting at 15 votes.  See ya guys in 24 hours 

On a sad note, I just found out yesterday my cat, that was brought to me as an abused kitten 13 years ago with a missing foot and a broken tail, may have to be put down this Thrusday.  If that happens it could be a wait for an upload, those who have pets know how they become part of your family.  Either way, I'll keep you guys posted just thought I'd give you all a heads up.  Hopefully everything turns out fine and I can get a few more years out of her.  She seems to be coming around with her medicine.   All yesterday was spent crying that's why I didn't upload.

Chapter 13 (It’s about stinking time)

By the time we got back and to our spots in the V.I.P section by the stage, the stadium was packed full. I couldn’t imagine walking out in front of an audience like that. I couldn’t imagine singing, talking and performing. Nervousness built inside me, I wondered if she’d be able to find me in the crowd. I wondered how scared she was, I would be terrified. There were over eighty thousand people here, all screaming, talking, and chanting, ‘Fools on the bed,’ and I didn’t like that name. Me and my family didn’t talk, but I’m sure we were all thinking the same thing, pet is crazy.

On the way here, the security, that pet requested to follow us around, told us that when all this J.C. crap settled down, we could go back stage in future concerts. As of right now, no one is allowed back stage or any where near her dressing room. Only her bodyguards were allowed in or near it along with her make-up artist, hair stylist, the wardrobe manager, her personal assistant, and the list continued on. Security is in high alert and we had to leave our guns at the hotel. They weren’t kidding on her plane, our guns are going to be useless in New York.

All the lights went dark in the stadium at once. The crowd went crazy and pushing us forward. A light flashed on to a male as he began to rape. Another light flashed onto another male as he joined in and then another light on another male. All three were rapping different words at the same time and I couldn’t make out one word. Then the music paused and I heard a loud, powerful female voice shout, “let’s get this party started.” A light flashed from the back of the stadium ending on pet balancing on the risers above the stage, a good fifty feet up. As all three men started shouting something, I was too worried about pet falling I didn’t catch a phrase of it. She jumped down off the risers grabbing a rope on her way down and swung down catching another and then another, she caught each rope on beat to the bass. She reached the stage just in time for her solo. I thought I was having a heart attack, I couldn’t see any wires attached to her, in case she fell or missed a rope. Her voice was powerful, demanding, yet angelic as she sang above the men rapping. The words of the group flowed together, but were all singing or rapped at the same time. They could really mess with somebody’s head if they were on drugs, then I realized, almost everyone here was. Every few seconds a loud, high toned, and steady note would over ride the rest coming from pet. She was amazing and she was completely comfortable up there.

As the music picked up pace, pet took off the side of the stage and started climbing a rope. The light followed her back to the top of the stage and then cut out. The guys were wild on the stage, jumping around and doing stunts, but pet was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly the light flashed on as the song was coming to an end and she fell backwards off the top of the stage. I held my breath as she plummeted down back first. There was a loud bang and fire shot up around the stage, hiding her. When the flames died she was lying flat in mid air within a foot from the stage and then the lights died. I exhaled in a puff, “I don’t think I can watch this.” I shouted to Mike standing next to me with the same feared look I had. I glanced down the line and all the guys had the same look.

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