waking up

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So here is my ridiculous deal... 5 votes on this chapter and three fans, I'll post chapter 9...Friends.  10 votes and 5 fans I'll post chapter 10 out and about.  The faster my deal is meet the faster I post Chapter 11 The truth aka THE BIGGEST TWIST IN THIS BOOK!

It's going to be a very chaotic weekend so VOTE COMMENT and FAN...

if you want more before Monday

Chapter 8 (waking up)

At some point I fell asleep to the sounds of the monitors beeping. Doctors coming in the next morning woke me up. I looked down and she was still asleep with all the tubes and wires attached. I sat with her as they took blood samples, wondering why they just didn’t go between her legs.

My dad walked in returning my son. “I was beginning to think you kidnapped him.” I said sarcastically.

“I thought you could use some time alone with her. He crapped like a hundred times already and ate a good two hundred bottles.” He laughed handing him to me.

“She’s not going to get to breast feed.” I said depressed.

The doctor looked at me for a moment in thought and then asked, “did she want to?”

“We never discussed it. It wasn’t her choice.”

She sighed taking Jeremiah away from me, “it should be her choice,” she mumbled moving Jeremiah closer to pet. “We’ll see if it works, sit behind her.” I moved in behind pet and watched as she pulled down the blanket, I fought with myself not to stop her from lifting pets shirts and touching her in a way that only me or the guys should. After a few times of rubbing pet’s nipple across Jeremiah’s upper lip, he opened his mouth and she shoved it in his mouth. Jeremiah started sucking and pet’s body jerked. “She responded to that. We’ll have to wait to see if he gets anything, hold him.” She grumbled disapprovingly, moving her arm for mine to takes it place. She moved a few pillows under my arm and walked away.

“Is he hurting her?” I asked ready to pull him off.

“No,” her answer was simple and quick like the know-it-all she is.

Jeremiah’s eyes closed and fell asleep, I watched in amazement that he could sleep and eat at the same time. “Well, I guess those are going to be yours for a while, aren’t they?” I mumbled as he seemed to take his time. After awhile I started to fall asleep and he spit her out along with some yellowish liquid. He got something. I pulled pet’s shirt down and covered her back up the best I could with Jeremiah laying across her.

“You don’t want to leave him on her like that or near her. We don’t know how she is going to come out of the coma, she could be aggressive.”

“You say that now after I just sat her for almost an hour with him attached to her,” I was mad, she endangered my son knowingly.

“It was a test to see if he would feed, we’ll pump her from now on out.” She answered like my son was a guinea pig. “You were sitting right there you could of caught him if she threw him.”

“You’re fired,” I was not listening to her anymore.

She grabbed her things and turned on her heels, not saying a word. She didn’t want this job. “Where are you going?” I heard my dad ask in the hallway.

“Your son just fired me,” I could hear the smirk on her face.

“You say a word to anybody and you’re dead. I will find you.” My dad threatened opening the front door.

I listened to his footsteps coming down the hall towards the room. I tightened my grip on Jeremiah and pet out of natural reaction. He stopped outside the door, his look was disappointed and scolding. “What happened?”

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