Nine Months later...

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Chapter 16 (Nine months later)

Since J.C.’s latest attempt pet’s fans have been talking. J.C.’s gang has been rated the most murderous and highest drug trafficking gang in the country, other than ours, we killed a lot the girls in his gang and supported a lot of the drugs he got.

Considering we are more of a mafia than a street gang, we’re left out of those statistics. We have joined together with a few different mafias, others said they would turn J.C.’s whereabouts over to us if they saw him. A lot of them are Baby Girl fans and see her as an innocent and sweet girl. Plus, J.C. owes them money, girls or men. We are only working with the low profile mafias, as long as we stay low profile, the government works with us and leaves us alone. Although, the high profile mafias will turn J.C. over to us under the table.

Pet and Jeremiah stay at my dad’s during the gatherings and most kill runs. We have been releasing the girls in the woods, practicing on our aiming and hunting. Some of the girls have recognized pet, after the media replayed close ups of her getting in the helicopter the first time back in the pubic eye. They try to use the ‘I’m your biggest fan,’ line to save themselves. Even though, after Rose, she knows first hand how dangerous these girls are and as much as I tell her it’s just a line to save their butts, she can’t get over the killing her possible fans.

Jeremiah’s birthday is right around the corner and I made the mistake of giving pet free rein on ordering presents online. I’m beginning I think any toy marked twelve months on it, she was buying it. This was an idea to keep her busy, I didn’t think it would make that big of a dent in my account. I have made her pick though and return a lot of the clothes he would never wear and the toys he would never play with.

The guys and I were on the speakerphone having a meeting with a new street gang, that my dad recommended for dealing our drugs. On the phone, because pet was curled up next to my side with the flu, surfing the internet on her phone with one hand and my credit card in the other. Molly, Paul’s pet was in his lap, watching television with the same flu as pet. The same flu the rest of us had few days ago. Jeremiah was being kept away at my dad’s with his nanny that I decided to get. The day after we ceased the last group of girls, one of them came down with the flu, starting this whole circle. At first we thought she was hung over on top of nerves, so we picked on her thinking it was funny. Then a couple days later, we were all puking.

Pet held her phone up in my face and I pushed it away, thinking it was another toy she came across and I was trying to concentrate on the meeting. She held it back up again against my demand not to. I was about to take it away from her and smack her when I read, ‘Baby Girl, you’re dead,’ from J.C. again. She’s going to have another nightmare tonight. He has found her e-mail and has been harassing her through it off and on for the last couple of months. We have been trying to trace where the messages are coming from. We’ve found out he’s using different phones to send them, now it’s down to tracing the phone he is using at the time. I took pet’s phone from her tossing it to Justin to forward it to a few friends of ours to trace. He looked down at it and then nodded his head knowing what I was asking.

The gang that was on the phone didn’t know we had pet and until I was positive they had no affiliated links to J.C.’s gang and it would stay that way. Pet handed me back my credit card, those messages would scare her off the internet for a day or so. She was worried he would find a way to trace her, since we’ve traced him back to a couple of untraceable phones.

Snuggles’ head popped up alert from the floor next to the couch. I slowly reached back gripping my gun and moving pet down out of view from the door and window. The rest of the guys followed in my example after seeing Snuggles pop up growling. She only did that when someone was approaching the house. The front door slowly opened as the other gang leader continued talking oblivious on the speakerphone. “Jeremiah’s sick,” the nanny whispered from the door. We all sighed and put our guns down.

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