Learning the business/ Here comes the baby

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Couple more chapters and my imagination starts going wild... 

Pet was due anytime now, making us all, except for her, nervous. I think we all watch to much television, we couldn’t help but to expect the worst. For example, her labor to come out of nowhere and the baby falling out.

She woke up this morning feeling weird and her stomach and back hurt. We’re used to her stomach and back hurting, it’s her feeling weird that threw us all off. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but she couldn’t explain the weird feeling.

I made her lay on the couch after lunch with me, she got into this bubbly cleaning fit all morning with a permanent grin she couldn’t hide. If I didn’t know any better, I would have swore she was smoking pot. I questioned the guys, making sure nobody had sex with her and they didn’t. They better not be lying, I didn’t give permission for it.

Her head rested against my chest, her legs draped over Mike and her feet would kick Shawn periodically in the thigh and he would chuckle. “Shawn, quit tickling her feet,” her jerking kept moving my papers. We had a gigantic deal going down next week and the meeting was this evening. It wasn’t play time, we needed to work.

Pet quickly squirmed her way up on me further, pulling her feet away from Shawn. I was seriously going to kill him, we procrastinated too long on this for him to goofing off now. “What are you doing?” She asked quietly and everyone looked up at me, waiting for my response and then how she would react.

My dad did tell me to bring her into the business slowly, he did also say to wait until her hormones were normal. “We’ve got three gang leaders coming over tonight to close a deal, I’m making sure no one stole from us.” Her hormones are all whacked out, it didn’t matter if I said something or not, she’d freak out either way.

She sat quietly for a moment, not reacting at all so I went back to my work. “What’s that?” She asked pointing at the sheet I was holding in front of us. I knew that was too easy.

“Heroin,” I laughed frustrated, I wasn’t going to hide anything from her.

“And what’s that?”

“Cocaine,” I answered waiting for the outcome.

“And what’s that?”

“Meth, marijuana, ecstasy, crack, opium, and PCP.” I named the rest off. “They’re all listed by their chemical compound or abbreviated.” I answered that question too before she could ask.

“What are those numbers?”

“What we have on stock in a warehouse and what we need.” She was taking this a lot better than I expected.

“Where’s the warehouse?”

“I’m not telling you unless you have the money,” I smiled like a wise ass and she looked disappointed. “You’ll find out soon enough.” I kissed the top of her sulking head and went back to my numbers.

“You could go jail forever,” she quietly stated a few minutes later, she was figuring out the numbers.

“Well now you’ve got to tell her,” Shawn said disapproving on how much I already told her.

“Every other week the government gives my dad a list of girls. My dad gives us ten of them. Those girls can’t stay out of major trouble and there’s not enough room for them in the prisons. Or they are guilty of murder, but there isn’t enough evidence to throw them away for life. We capture them and take care of them before the next list comes out. They don’t care what we do with them or how long we keep them as long as they are not on the street. That is our half of the deal. The government’s half overlooks our drug deals and at times helps us by giving us back what they have confiscated from the gangs we have dealt to. It‘s a win, win situation.”

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