The Start

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This was made purely cause I wanted to try writing a book please comment about how to make it better I will do my best, Thank you and enjoy=)

-Chapter 1-

The clock struck twelve. Liz woke up zombie-like, keeping her whole body steady and just pulling her upper body up. Knowing that people were looking at her - most likely staring - Liz knew what she had to do to keep herself from hell's gate.

-One week ago-

Going to the guild was already a habit, yet Liz did not go; she was sure that she would and had wanted to go. But for some reason though, she had utterly forgotten to. She had felt like she should not, even though there was no reason not to go. Liz had never been a believer of pure feeling, but this time she was beaten. She reasoned with herself, convincing herself that she was just tired, but deep in her mind, she knew that "it" was coming.

The world is formed by three groups of people; the Enoic, a group of brainy people who have made many great inventions, the Ospire, nature believers who live purely to help others, and the Nosphere, people who believe in Justice and righteousness. Guilds are an exception for people who were neither of the three groups, as they themselves had their own unique traits.

Liz bit her lip, tears dripping down her face. She knew what she had to do. She stood on the top of a cliff near her house; the wind was strong that day, even past 6pm, and she saw that great sun setting. She felt cold yet light water on her cheeks, her body wavering around. She fell.

Eye barely able to open, she felt a stinging pain in her ankle. Liz was not destined to die, not yet. Any normal person would have died from that fall, but she knows that "it" has stopped her again. Her body covered in bruises and blood, she dragged her feet to her little hut. After cleaning her wounds she fell asleep.

The clock struck twelve and the unbearing pain hit her, and she clutched her heart, hoping. Hoping "it" would not take over her.

Clutching her heart she fell to the floor, the pain making her lose her mind .She struggled about, now literally punching her own heart. Scolding God for giving her or rather cursing her with this devil heart.

The devil heart is something which appears in only one human every millenium. Those who were granted the devil heart was like a shell for the 'devil'; once the 'devil' was strong enough, 'it' would take over the body, control the mind and start the rampage of every millenium.

The 'devil' has the ability of an ancient trait: the mental control. This trait allows him to control anyone's mental state or also known as mind control.

Liz was astonish to know that the 'devil' was in her, but there was a secret to why it was in her, and she had not found that out. Often, the devil's carrier was slain before any of them released fully.

She was special.

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