Where the journey begins

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I fell asleep on this nostalgic bed.Realizing Liz had been here before,i was not in the right state of mind.For Liz to be here, its like a rabbit hiding in a tiger's den.

A silent double knock is heard.I forced myself with every last bit of conscious i had at that time, to stand up and to answer the door.Quite obviously, i am not a  strong person mentally.Dragging my wild-full legs i reach the door.It is 4 am in the morning,who would be awake at this time?not to say come knocking on my door.

On the other side of the door is the Guild vice-leader,Teemo,he appeared to be well-build and young ,with a menacing and grumpy look on his face.Despite his looks he is actually quite old almost reaching the age of 50 also he is a very caring person especially to Liz..When i first saw him,he was acting so close to Liz which lead my mind to wander if he was trying to chase Liz.Soon i was told personally by Liz with an furious look that he is her grandfather's old friend.A very close one actually.

'Teemo?,what are you doing here at this time" i  whispered partly trying to not disturbed the others living there but also Teemo frowned at that time is the worst ,i had ever seen from him.'Shh quiet ' which i am already doing 'I need your help'he sounded serious and urgent.'Liz had been captured and i know where she is"i turned attentive at once.Teemo seeing my reaction could tell that i know,continuing on what he said' She is captured by a guy name Adam heatson,previously got a record of experimenting on people after kidnapping them,but for some reason was never deem to punishment i suspect that he got a strong individual supporting him'he stop and take a breath before adding on'The guild master was scared of him he followed everything Adam wanted including the wanted poster'.

That shock me,guildmaster had always treated everyone well.He is known as a hero to us,accepting us to the guild.I would have never believe that guildmaster did that knowing totally well that it would hurt Liz.But this was  coming from the vice-leader himself, the second in command of the guild.I trusted him more.

'Now to the main point i need you to go rescue Liz from ,what i heard Adam was going to the far west of the island near mount Hanji'Teemo looks around nervously and turned back to him and whispered'go there and you will see at the middle of the mountain there will be a cave leading to them,'he stopped and bite his lips'but beware many people well-infuence in the world will be after you'He look into my eyes pleadingly.'I will do it"the voice came out with a hint of determination in it.He looks around more quickly this time and whispered'go now, if not you won't be going anywhere after they found you"i can sense a deep fear in his eyes.I had never seen him so frightened before.Noticing that he is walking away i close the door quietly 'BAm!'never mind i can never do things quietly, i shook my head.

After picking up  a few items which i felt necessary i begin my journey.Just when i am about to open the door i heard a whisper'You idoit! stop getting the room number wrong ,if he  escape it will be totally your fault!'.I am sure that they are talking about me.

Turning back right away ,i frantically search around to find something which i can hide in,sadly there was not a single place.I turned towards the window ,looked at it for a second.Then i started running towards it,without any hesitant i jump.Barely able to get out of sight as the last thing i saw was the door opening.

I felt the pain traveled all the way  through my body from my leg, luckly the grass is soft ,as i look up all i saw were two raging face staring at me peircing me with their deep eyes as they turned around, i know at that point i had to run fast,very fast as the matter of fact.Just standing up makes my leg jelly after all i just fell down 4 floors.Squeezing my left leg i urge my myself to go forward,i am literally hopping to get out of harms way.I knew deep in my mind that if i am caught here both i and Liz would have no hope left.

From hopping to crawling i did whatever i could to push this over-used body away from the guild,i could not run forever.For sure they will catch up sooner or later,i urgently need to hide.

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