In Another Life: AnseRa x MaiChard

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Anselmo and Nidora.

Two people from totally opposite worlds collided and a different kind of love was born. Theirs was full of constant struggles, but these hardships didn't compare to the happiness they had. It was a love so pure, so beautiful. So beautiful, it was too good to be true. It was too good to be true, some people did not believe the love that they had. They fought as hard as they could to prove how real it was, but not everyone could understand it. Not even the person she least expected to hurt her. The one who brought her to life into the world. Like any other story, theirs had to end. Her mother told her that love was about sacrificing for the one who makes you happy and so she did. She loved him so much she sacrificed their forever so he could continue living in this world. If only she knew that he wished his life just ended in an instant because what was the purpose of living if it meant he'd never get to see the love of his life again? Theirs was a love like no other but maybe it was just not meant to be. Maybe, just maybe their love will be continued. In another life.


Richard and Nicomaine.

In another life, two complete strangers crossed paths. Little did they know that in five years' time, they would be meeting each other again in the most unconventional way. That they'd meet again and become THE phenomenal love team. It all started with a smile. A giddy smile a girl would flash when she sees her crush. Eventually, they found themselves feeling something for each other even before they actually met. They didn't think it was possible but they proved themselves wrong. When they were given the Tamang Panahon to finally get to know each other, they couldn't be more thankful. They started out as awkward until slowly but surely, their walls broke down. Their relationship grew naturally and wondrously. At first, they didn't expect to fall in love, but it seems as if all the stars aligned for them to have each other. No matter what path they take, it's as if every single one leads only to one another. Whatever angle one looks at, one will just feel that they are destined. That they are meant to be. Theirs was a love so magical. Everyday, they are faced with so many challenges, but at the end of of it all, they know they've got each other and that is the only reassurance they need to stay stronger. They are a living manifestation of how strong Anselmo and Nidora's love was, except thay they bet their lives and make sure that their love would never end. That they'd have a happy ending. That their love will continue forever. They hope that when they're already angels above, they'd look down from the heavens and see people on earth be blessed to have a love like theirs. In another life.

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