Early Morning Stranger

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--------------------Just a quick note. Portions of this story are based on real life events. Names and places are changed, except for one nickname. Just in case anyone was wondering.----------------------

I clambered out of the bed and into the day room. No lights were on and only the tv glared at me. I grabbed my keys off of the mahogany end table and proceeded out of the door. It must've been around 2 in the morning— pitch black with no one else around. There was nothing I appreciated more than my alone time and this was beyond perfect.

I went over to the wooden picnic table, that was planted practically right next to the door, climbed on top and laid myself down, glancing up at the stars that adorned the cold, pale moon.

As I laid there, my thoughts drifted along on their own. I was a little upset from a very recent sort of let down and having time to clear my head and think everything through was great therapy. This girl, she had my whole heart just wrapped up around her pinky— she was perfect. 

The next thing I knew, I was pulled from the bliss of my thoughts by a sudden jingle of keys. Along with the jingling keys came faint whistling from behind me. I began to sit upright but before I could turn around, the whistling ceased and two strong hands grasped the sides of my stomach. I yelped and shot my elbow backwards in an attempt to force my attacker back. The figure was quick as they stopped my elbow mid-thrust. Now they had both of my forearms gripped tightly in one hand.

"Well howdy, stranger. What're you doing out here so late?" the figure spun around so that I could see him for myself, his beautiful green eyes burning deep into my own.

"Enjoying the peace and quiet," I replied trying to calm my rapidly beating heart.

"Don't you know it's dangerous for someone like you to be out here so late?" he laughed a little.

"Don't you know it's rude to scare the shit out of someone?" I retorted as he released my arms.

"I was just playing around, you know," he muttered, shuffling his feet on the ground.

I nodded a bit submissively now and he climbed up onto the picnic table with me. When he did, it's entirety shook. He was a larger man but something about him seemed very gentle. He gave off the kind of aura that could easily soothe anyone.

I could feel his eyes burn into my back as I laid myself back down onto the table. "So what are you doing out here?" I murmured, continuing to stare at the stars. "I was just—" he began to say as he was interrupted by the sound of the klaxon.

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