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"How many?" The waitress at the podium asked.

Kristine had to turn around and count before answering, "Eight!" 

The waitress's eyes widened a little bit as she stared at the large group of people, but turned and motioned for us to follow her. She lead us to a combination of two tables in the center of the room. My dad sat next to Kristine, and she next to Josh. Next to Josh sat Ivan, me, Sherry, the stranger with the beautiful voice, and then some other man I did not know.

"Can I get you all started with anything to drink?"

"Pink lemonade," I said and several replies followed mine.

"All right, I'll go get that..." she paced away quickly and I laughed a little.

"What're you laughing at?" Ivan smacked my leg lightly under the table. I glared at him and his eyes pleaded with slight regret. "I'm sorry!" he said silently.

"Well I can see you two are getting along pretty well," Kristine taunted me.

Damnit, why did she have to say something?

All heads turned towards me and I blushed, shuffling my feet uncomfortably. I looked at Josh and could see a tiny flicker of anger in his eyes. Ivan changed the subject, giving me relief from the many stares. I lifted my menu, pretending to decide what I wanted. I already knew what I wanted, I always did. Chicken N' Dumplins was the reason I came to Cracker Barrel.

"Are you guys ready to order?" I hadn't realized that the waitress came back and placed my drink in front of me until her voice yanked my head from the menu. I nodded, as did the rest of them. "Who's going first?"

"I guess I will," I spoke up, "Uh, just Chicken N' Dumplins, with macaroni and cheese and fried apples." She smiled and nodded as she scribbled into her notepad. The rest of the group's answers followed my own.

"That's a real country girl's choice right there," the stranger with the angel's voice called to me as the waitress walked away.

"Shut up, Jack!" Ivan yelled at him.

I couldn't do anything but laugh as Jack lowered his head, beginning to play the peg board puzzle again. "I was just saying," he muttered.

"It'll be okay," Sherry patted him on the back, laughing along with me.

Eventually our food arrived and I was starving. I tore into the dish, attempting to look decent at the same time.

"Wow, you must be really hungry..." Ivan whispered. I turned to him and nodded as he grabbed a napkin and wiped some food from my mouth. I blushed and turned away.

How embarrassing.

Josh looked up from his meal, watching the actions that took place.

The familiar tones played over the many radios at the table and everyone froze.

"Engine 8, rescue 8-2, rescue 1-1 for a structural fire. 4601 Strathmore Avenue, Fayetteville North Carolina, 28304-5118. Call number 9134." Everyone leaped up from the table as soon as they heard it. Kristine stopped by the podium, asking them to keep our food and we all dashed out of the door.


We arrived on scene with engine 8. It was a residential home with flames engulfing the entire roof. Beams were beginning to give way and fall onto the now charred furniture. The firefighters threw on their gear and quickly hooked up the large snake of a hose. Water burst out of it and shot into the house, tearing the fire down slowly. Several firefighters darted into the building alongside the water.

We went over to speak to the owners of the house. The mother was in tears and shaking, "My baby's in there!" she shouted through sobs. My eyes widened and and I glanced over to see Ivan standing next to me with the same look.

"Shit!" he muttered as he darted away and into the burning building. All I could do was stand and watch— fear in my eyes.

"Don't worry," Kristine prodded me in my side, "he's done this several times." I nodded, trying to hold back a little tear. "Is there anyone else in the building?" she turned towards the mother.

"No, not that I'm aware of," she sobbed again. We returned to the ambulance, counting down the minutes until the firefighters would reappear and we would do rehab on them. Kristine sat down on the back step of the ambulance, sighing. I decided to sit as well, maybe it would calm my nerves.

"They'll be okay," she reassured me again. I just stared silently at the burning building. More beams had began to fall and my eyes widened. I was terrified.

Please let him be okay.

The firefighters' 10 minutes was up. They poured out of the building to the back of our ambulance. We consistently took their vitals and temperatures, allowing some to go back inside. Two were unable to return because of their temperatures.


"Where's Ivan?" I asked Kristine.

"Shit," she copied my thoughts.

I darted across the wet grass to Jack before he could re-enter the building, "Ivan's still in there, he never came out for rehab!" I shouted at him, my eyes watering a little— half from the heat, half from the danger. He didn't say a word but turned and ran back into the burning building after his friend.

I was forced to wait outside, away from the building. Sherry— one of the firefighters who was unable to go back inside— called me over, "What's up?"

"Ivan never showed up for rehab."

"Oh gosh," she looked almost as upset as I was. I nodded and sat next to her. She lifted a water bottle up to her mouth and took several gulps.

Another 10 minutes passed in what seemed like an eternity. The firefighters tore out of the building and rehab was started up once again.

Jack came running up to me, "He's caught underneath of a beam and I can't get him out, please tell me there's someone else who can come back in with me."

I shook my head, "You're the only person who can go back in."

He plastered the back of his gloved hand to his forehead, "Shit."

I glanced back at Sherry. "Sherry, let me use your gear."

"What? No!"

"Just let me, I have to help him."

"But you can't, you're not certified!"

"Just let her use the gear," Jack's voice reappeared again.

Sherry sighed before walking up and handing the equipment to me. I climbed into the large outfit and stared at Jack, "Are you ready?"

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