A Drunk Love Affair

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As the days carried on, Ana playfully flirted by shoving me lightly or pressing my head into her chest. Many small things and I liked her quite a lot.

Eventually, her birthday came. She absolutely loved Hello Kitty, so I bought her a Hello Kitty blanket and pillow package. Her reaction was flawless.

Before her birthday, I remember asking her what she wanted for her it and she laughed and said, "Lots of fuckin'." I laughed and incorporated this into her birthday card by saying, "I hope you get what you wanted. ;)"

We sat around the station, playing and watching TV until she sent me a text message, "Do you wanna make out?"

At first I was very tentative and unbelieving that she went "that way". She claimed over and over that she did until I finally gave in, my face in awe. I agreed to her proposition in a heartbeat after that.

Later that night, we went into the back bunk rooms and shared our moment together, but Dylan was in the room and adding discomfort.

We had multiple flings we shared, even with Dylan himself. I was blinded by lust and unaware of what I was doing.

On the night of one of our last flings I remember lying on the bed, wanting to say, "Ana. I love you." I argued with my mind for fifteen long minutes before managing to wheeze out the word, "Ana."

She mumbled in a groggy voice, "What?"

I said, "I'm jealous of him because he has you and you're perfect..." Not exactly "I love you" but close enough.

"I'm far from perfect," she brushed it off lightly before turning back to sleep.

"These beds are do far apart," I said in one last attempt to get her to join me in cuddles.

She simply giggled and fell asleep.

I shoved my face back into the pillow, tears streaming down my face. I was in horrible condition, but refusing to let her hear it and I quietly sobbed. Eventually I got up and left the room. I couldn't sleep in the same proximity as her. I just couldn't.

I plopped down into the leather couch and listened to sad songs while staring at the tv screen in the dark, making me cry even more, but letting it out.

As I moped a familiar face peered into the room. I quickly wiped my tears away and sniffled my nose before unlocking the door for a, now, confused Ivan.

"What's wrong?" was the first sentence out of his mouth.

"Oh, it's nothing," I fake-smiled at him.

He raised an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders, "Want to come sit outside with me?"

I nodded at the proposition and we went out to the picnic table.

"How about now? Will you tell me what's wrong?" he placed a pinch of dip into his mouth.

"Do you really wanna know that bad?" I muttered, shuffling my feet uncomfortably.

He nodded his head, his eyes piercing into my soul.

"Well, I know you know Ana... Right?"

He nodded.

"Well, I fell head over heels for her..."

"You go that way?" he interrupted.

I nodded, "Yeah. Any who, I got involved with her and Dylan. It was only for her... Then told her how I felt tonight and she just shot me down."

His face was half blank and half filled with awe. "So... Ana then..." He looked at the ground, "Wow. I'm sorry she did that to you."

"It's okay, I'll get over it," I laid back onto the table, staring at the all-too-familiar stars, "It's so beautiful at this time of night."

"Yeah, at three in the morning," he mocked me, "but it is true."

"So what about you? What's your story?"

"My story?" he put a hand to his chest, taken aback.

"Yes, your story," I repeated.

"It's nothing big," he muttered.

"Well share it, we're all friends here."

"Uhh, long story short," he mumbled, "I got cheated on. She used me and that was that."

I said, "She's better off gone," as I logged onto Facebook posting a status: "Asdfghjkl; I would treat you better. Ha."

"Well, I think I ought to get some sleep. You should, too," he lifted himself from the table.

"It's too late for me, but you should."

"Do I get a hug?" he opened his arms and I jumped into them. He released me and walked to the fire side. I watched him vanish before heading back to my own couch.

My iPhone screen lit up, "Ivan Doran likes your status: 'Asdfghjkl; I would treat you better. Ha.'"

I smiled to myself before letting myself get sucked back into the TV.

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