Frequent Flyer

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The tones were heard throughout the bay. "Rescue 8-2, engine 8 for injuries from a fall, 907 Carolina Pines Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina, 27603-7702. Call number 9023."

"Well that's us," the stranger muttered, before he sprinted off into the bay. I pryed myself off of the picnic table and staggered into the day room. By the time I was inside, my driver and AIC were already up, shoving their boots on.

"FUCKING SHIT," Anastasia yelled out as she shoved through the door to the bay with me and Dylan only a few steps behind her. It was just what I thought, one of our frequent flyers. You could always tell by how angry Ana got. I glanced over at the stranger, to see that he was staring at me as well. The world slowed down for a moment as he vanished behind the engine. After he was gone, I smiled at myself and climbed into the ambulance.

We arrive on scene about 5 minutes later. Ana steps out of the truck, slamming the door aggressively behind her and storming towards the door. I managed to catch up with her as she knocked on the front door. An older gentleman opened the door with a quizzical look on his face.

"Did someone call ems here?" Ana asks.

The man shook his head, "Not that I'm aware of." Ana glances at me with frustration as the man opens the door and we enter. Ana looks towards the dining room and finds our patient. She's sitting on the floor next to a chair about a foot above the ground and claims to have broken her back.

"Did you fall off of this chair?" Ana asks, and the woman nods, not looking towards her. Ana assesses the woman's back for step-offs but feels nothing. "Are you sure you want to go to the hospital? You're probably going to end up in triage, anyways," I can hear an edge to her voice.

"I think I'm going to have to..." the woman replies.

"Alright, Dylan get the cot please," Ana motions towards him with fake enthusiasm.

By this time, firefighters are on scene and a few help Dylan haul cot but the stranger comes inside. He grabs the sides of my stomach with both hands again, making me jump a little, and asks if we need help with anything. I look at Ana and she just shakes her head. "Then we're out," he gently presses his hand against my back, before he wanders out of the house.

Dylan comes in behind him with the cot and pushes it up next to the feeble woman. "All right, just stand up when you're ready. I've got you," he says calmly. The woman braces herself and lifts up slightly before gasping in pain and sliding back down onto the floor. She makes several attempts before she even manages to stand. By this time, Dylan is a little amused. When she finally does stand, he slides the cot right beneath her. She plops down onto it, growling in pain and slides her feet up onto it. He secures her to the cot as well as he can and she reaches for her bag of personals as we leave. Her personals are her cigarettes, of course. Not that she'd be able to smoke them anywhere. I attempt to help as we push her out of the house and into the back of the ambulance for transport.

The woman lives no more than 5 minutes from the hospital and we were there in no time. She was unloaded and placed in a room with a nurse.

Once all of the information is dumped on the nurse, Ana storms out of the room, walking at a furious pace. I attempt to follow her but don't want to chase her and I remain several steps behind. When I reach Dylan, he just stares at me blankly.

"She is piiiiissed," I muttered and he nods, rolling his eyes.

Dylan finishes cleaning the cot, places it into the back of the ambulance and eventually we were on our way back to home base.

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