16 0 0

- Sandra?! What are you doing here?!

- You care explaining?

- No.

- *sigh* other are on their way...

- WHAT?!

- They're your friends now... right?

- *sigh* Yeah... Quickly give me gun and ecuipment!

One of police men shouts.

- Yes ma'am!

I change into and... Start.shooting.nonstop.

--7 minutes later--
They arrived. (GOM) it was hard explaining why I was here and AHOmine started laughing that I was forced to be a maid.

- Hahaha! I wish we were in there to see you little, cute, dressed figure!

- Excuse me Daiki. Dunk!!!

Thank God he dunked bullet even cut tiny strain of my hair.

- That was close! Everyone! Call the soldiers!

- Yes ma'am!

Than Sandra uproached me.

- My, my Sally... Ma'am? You really are controlling these guys.

- Hey, I'm only girl and I am in a perfect fighting "mode"

- I see! Well, why didn't you tell me that you were in red zone?! It's dangerous in red zone!

- I know.

I pulled the tiger again.

- I JUST figured out that I can eat 0,00003 seconds faster than Sally!

- .............I like challages...

Sandra gulped at my expression... I had devilish face with my eyes shaped Dragon (LOL)

- Alright. I should be going now. I took down leaders you should be fine now.

--At the Mansion--

- I'm going to get a cup of tea and sleep. It's almost midnight.

- Yeah, it was a long day for you huh?

- Yeah... it was kinda hard, I have to admit it.

Than I go to sleep.

--2 hours later--
My phone buzzes.

- Hmm? *yawn* Who is it this late?

I held phone and got into corridor.

- Hmm... Let's see... *yawn*

~incoming call~
~Seijuro Akashi~

- Seijuro? Is everything Okay?

- Yes, just wanted to make sure you and Sandra got home safe.

- Ah Yes, we did. Thank you for you attention. It's deeply apritiated.

- Hai. Now, goodnight.

- Goodnight to you too.

I hang up. Wait! Why am I smiling?! Why am I blushing more importantly?!?! DAFUQ!

I return in my bed and sleep. Next day I get invitation.

"To: Ultear Heartfilia
From: The Dubai basket club trainers.
We really want you to come at Dubai. Bring your fav. Basketball club."

- Wohoo! We're going to Dubai!

- But, I didn't say I agreed.

- What?! Are you kidding? D.U.B.A.I. We can go in Dubai!

- Yes I was indeed joking. I would love to take a little "vacation" out of these tense days.

- So... who are you gonna take with you?

- Teiko basketball team.

- Really? I thought you would take WNBA!

- Nope. WNBA players might play better, but these are the ones that make our lives more... interesting. Am I right?

- Yeah! So? Are you gonna text them?

- We are gonna text them.

- Awesome!

~From Sandrachii ≧﹏≦~
~To Kise~

Ryota! Pack your things! Because our team is going in Dubai!!!

Really Sandrachii? Alright! I'm packing my bags!

I'll be waiting in same airport which Sally came from America. Text others!!!


- Did you text Ryota?

- Yeah. Your turn!

~From Sally~
~To Seijuro~

I have an offer.

What offer?

I can take your basketball team to Dubai. If you don't want to, that's understandable.

Have you asked others?

They agreed. But if captain won't come, they won't too. So?

I take your offer. But may I know why so sudden?

Of course. I got invitation from The Dubai basket club trainers. I am going to train them all. Evil...

You read my mind. Alright. When for we meet?

Tomorrow. At 08:15. Flight is at 08:30 is that time ok?

Perfectly fine. See you tomorrow.


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