Chapter-10-KILLING BY FB

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Night 1

I yawned, it was 1AM. I was planning things for tomorrow. I heard a knock on my door.

- Hm? Come in.

- You're still awake?

Asked redhead.

- I can ask you the same thing.

- Well, was checking on everyone. You?

- I was planning things for tomorrow.

- I see.

- *yawn* *shiver* It's really getting late.

Seijuro covered me with blanket.

- You should sleep. I'll plan rest.

- Thanks. *yawn*

Day 2

- GET UP!!!

I yelled through the corridor so everyone would hear. Atushi, Shintaro, Tetsuya and Seijuro got up and headed to the kitchen. But it took time before Daiki, Ryota and Sandra got up.

- Hey you sleepyheads! Get up! Aomine! I'm gonna throw bee hive in your room if you don't get up!

- Nononono! Not the bee hive!!!

- Tehee~ 'the only one who can beat me is me' huh?

- It's not funny!

- Hehe! OK get up...

Sandra helped me bake some cookies and I made pancakes.

- Mmm... Can you teach me?

- Anytime.

I smiled and after breakfast we went jogging.

- Sallychii! Slow down!

- Seriously Sally! I can't breathe.

- You seriously planned jogging 10 Kilometers? I don't know what your teammates did in America.

Chuckled Seijuro.

- Heh. This is nothing compared to that hell.

- Oi! Sally would you slow down?

- Says the fastest team member.

- But I get tired too!

- But you have to stain your tiredness.

Daiki groaned and I chuckled.

- Okay guys. We can stop 10 minutes in park.

- That will be very good *heavy breath* idea... not that I care nanodayo.

We stopped by park.

--4 hours later--

- What to so now?

- We should go swimming now.

- Alright. Everyone! Get your swimsuits! We're cooling off!

Everyone cheered, because I made them run for 4 hours.

--1 hour later--

- Hey Sally! You love water so why aren't you going in?

- I am waiting for sun to reflect water so it won't be could when I go in.

- ...Okay!

Sandra jumped in and quite didn't realised she splashed... me.

- Sandra!

- Hehe! Oops...

- Come here!

I laughed and jumped in water and whole team had water fight (even Kuroko) until evening.

- Okay team! It should be enough now! Let's go and practice for a little bit!

Sandra thought 'I never knew water could change Sally so much! We should go to beach more often!'

I accidentally read her mind and said.

- Hey, water didn't change me... people did... now, we should pair up. Sandra come with me.

- Wait! You're taking me one-on-one?! This is weird...

- Come on.

We played and we ended up 5-5

- Was your new coach in America really a monster? When I last played with you we ended up with 1-13 with me on lead.

- People and their abilities change. I'm working on my next move now.

- What is it called?

- It's called "Gravity brake"

- Why?

- Because... well, it's like moon walk, but a little longer.

- I see... well... Let's see how others are doing... Oh! And who did Akashi take on?

- He didn't take on, he decided to help Tetsuya upgrade.

- Ah! I see! Well... what did you learn in America aside from basketball?

- Electro violin, harp and I upgraded my dancing.

- Jeez... I wonder if you're a machine!

Sandra and I laughed for a while.

- Ryota took on Daiki and Shintaro took on Atushi.

- I see.

--20 minutes later--

- Okay everyone! Today was exhausted! Now sleep!

- But it's 11PM!

- Sandra don't make me tape your mouth up...

- H-hai...


Sandra Liar updated her status.

⭐ Hey, anyone here?

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Aomine Daiki: Yeah, I can't sleep!


Kise Ryota: Sallychii is sometimes being mean-suu! ~T_T~


Midorima Shintaro: Stop putting on weird emojis! It's stupid nanodayo.


Sandra Lair: I wanna prank Sally! Who's in?

Akashi Seijuro: She really will kill you...

Sandra Lair: 🎶If you wanna be someone... RISK IT!🎶


Aomine Daiki: Payback time for Sally! I'm in!


Kise Ryota: Me too!


Akashi Seijuro: Three idiots...


Sally Heartfilia: You can't get in. Unlike you I close the door. Oh, and Daiki, Ryota and Sandra 34 kilometers tomorrow morning by sprinting!


Momoi Satsuki: I'm with you Sally-chan as long as you torture Dai-chan!!!


Sally Heartfilia: Thank you for support Satsuki


Akashi Seijuro: Sandra Don't you dare say I didn't warned you!


Sandra Lair: R.I.P me...

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