Chapter -24- DAY THREE

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I woke up and as normally I ate breakfast (fish). I saw a missed call on my phone. I opened the missed call log and saw.

Missed call from Seijuro Akashi

I smiled. For some reason, I like to even look at his name. What could it be if not love?

On second thought... "Seijuro Akashi" sounds a little too formal. I changed it into "Sei~❤"

- That's better!

I smiled and called him back.

- Hey!

- Hi love. How are you?

- Good! You?

- I'm fine...

- Why did you call?

- I had two reasons. One is to say hello to my lovely princess.

- *giggle* And second?

- You know that project we have for summer in biology?

- Yes?

- I want you to come to my house. After all we're project partners.

- Hai. I'll be there-- um... when?

- Now.

- You mean... NOW now?

- Yes, I mean NOW now.

- *sigh* Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.

- Okay.

I hung up. I changed into my cyan top and jeans. I had my black sneakers on and my hair down.

I giggled. Satisfied of my choice of clothing.

- Carrie-sama! I'm going out! Warn Sandra when she wakes up! Okay?

- Yes young mistress. But, if you don't mind me asking... Where?

- Oh! I'm going to Akashi mansion. Why?

- You and Mr. Akashi Seijuro are quite good friends right?

- I say we are more than friends. Anyways. Bye!

- Goodbye.

--Time Skip--

I knocked on the door. Oh and I had my hood on so they wouldn't see my cat ears.

- Hello? Ah! You must be Ms. Sally. Correct?

- Yes.

- Young master is waiting for you in his room. Do you want me to guide you there miss?

- No thank you. I can do it myself.

- As you wish.

I entered the mansion. It was well built and royal aura was all around it. I got up to red carpeted stairs.

I finally arrived at the giant room. I knocked on the door. A 'come in' was heard. So I got in.

- What-- Sally!

I giggled. He hugged me.

- So? Should we start?

I asked. He turned me around and pinned me on his bed.

- H-huh? S-sei! W-what are you doing?

He smirked and ruffled my ears.

- S-sei! *epic blush* They are s-sensetive...

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