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Today was just a normal day in the life of Jessica, still no friends or no attention, but I am not complaining. My math lesson had just finished and was just about to walk out of the door until all of a sudden I heard my favourite teacher call my name. "Jessica, you have been doing really well so far this year, maybe the brightest student in the year", she was just complimenting me, meaning she was about to tell me something I did not want to hear. "Thank you Miss, I've been trying much harder than last year, I've got no distractions", but I've never had any distraction to my work, but she didn't know this. She continued on "Well, as a result I was wondering if you would mind tutoring a student, he has been struggling and could really do with some help, you help". "Erm, yeah. I'm just not sure if I would be able to do what you want me to, I don't know it all myself", the thought of me helping someone which would ultimately decide if they pass or fail didn't sit nice in my tummy. "Please, you're my best student and it'll only be till the term ends", she was begging so it must have been important. "Yes, okay, I'll do it, who is it and when would it be", I was desperate to find out who I'd have to spend my time with. "It is Harry Styles, after school in here", my stomach dropped, the popular kid that would never even look my way but was just trapped in the comforts of his own little world, I couldn't. I awkwardly shuffled closer to the door, "S-sorry miss, no. I can't do that, no, not Harry", I knew if I did I would then have attention, not the good kind but the kind where you are the centre of all their stupid, immature jokes. "You have already said yes and, anyway, he has already been told he is getting tutored tonight, so you have no choice. If you do it then it'll go towards your extra credit and I know you need it", I guess I had no choice.

The day dragged by, I just wanted time to stop and to be swallowed up so I would not have to face tonight and the joke everyone loves, Harry. I was waiting in the math room, sitting on a random desk as I swung my legs like a child to distract me. I hear the squeak of the heavy door, it was Harry, but he just looked at me with a confused look and said "Are you coming then?", but no words came out. He scrunched up his face with a baffled look, "What?" I burst out with, "It is happening in here". "The plans have changed and you are coming back to my house, I am not spending any more time in this shit hole than I have to, so come on". Yep, he is still a jerk even when he is not with his little gang that just follow him like sheep. I hopped off the desk and shyly walked in the way he was, having to jog slightly as he had no manners at all in holding the door for me or waiting for me to catch up. We reached his car, it did not look like what I had expected, it was not shining and new but just a big, old, rusty looking truck. He must have seen the confusion on my face, "This is my truck, now get in", he said with disgust.

The drive was awkward as we had nothing to talk about and he did not even have the sense to put on the radio, but to be honest his piece of rubbish probably didn't even have a speaker. We turned a corner, into a little road of houses which were grande and what I had always dreamt of, I had always wanted to experience going in one for myself. However, my dream was soon shattered as we turned another corner into a little dingey street which looked like it hadn't been cared for in years. We pulled into the drive of a tiny, plain house, no stain glass or big oak doors like I had expected but I guessed that was it. Harry took out his keys and we went inside but it had hardly any room for us to get through, no wonder you never hear about any of the best parties ever experienced happening hear. I went to walk but he stopped me, "We are doing it in my room", I didn't know what to say as he smirked at me and turned to go up stairs, what had I got myself in to.

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