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Warning: contains sensitive material

We pulled up to the house. Music was booming, drinks were spilling and everyone was having a drunken time.
We walked up to the porch but Harry sped ahead as if he didn't want to be seen with me, causing my heart to shatter like shards of glass.

With a disheartened face, I timidly walked into an abyss of drunken teenagers. I made eye contact with an inviting group of girls, with gentle smiles as they made their way towards me. "Hi hun, are you okay? We noticed you weren't having fun so thought we'd come over", one of the girls said. "I'm just here by myself and know no one so it's pretty shit" I shyly replied. "Here's a shot to take the edge off..."


8 shots later, I was flaunting my body without a care in the world and the next thing I knew the content of the whole house was surrounding me like flies around shit. I felt like a rockstar dancing up there on the table.
I made eye contact with Harry and made my way over, feeling more confident than ever. However, a girl intercepted me and handed me a drink. "Wow thanks for the drink, what's your name babe?" I boomed, "It's no bother, I'm Alexa, you'll remember me after tonight" she said with a smirk. But, I brushed that comment away, along with my worries.
I began to stumble as my head span but a welcoming arm made its way around me to keep me stable. I looked into the mystery mans eyes, only to realise it was Harry's best friend Michael. "Hi", I said as my cheeks burned crimson as we locked eyes. "Hey there Jessica", I didn't even think about how he knew my name, "come with me, you need a sit down before you hurt yourself".
I was quickly brainwashed by this severely handsome man, obeying whatever he said as I followed him like a lost puppy, craving attention. I unknowingly lay next to him, falling in and out of consciousness, unaware of the following actions that were inevitably going to occur.

I opened my eyes to a shirtless, panting Michael on top of my feeble, trembling body. I desperately attempted to recall any actions that had been performed previously, or how long I'd been a slave to his wanting body. Tears trickled down the side of my blank face as the effect of the spirits that had previously entered my body, quickly left my system, now making me fully aware of the forthcoming actions I couldn't escape. His veiny, pulsing hand made its way up my thigh as I shifted my body trying to escape his touch just before the penetration I knew was gonna occur.

Bang. A figure breaks down the door and viscously drags Michael by the neck, slamming him against a sturdy concrete wall as I can only imagine the bones within his neck splintered like pieces of wood due to the damage caused. The man proceeded to punch his face like a predator pounding its prey before I pushed the determined man away from the now vulnerable limp body which was once the predator of mine. I looked up to reveal the identity of my saviour, only to find it was none other than the man that's been taking over my dreams, Harry Styles.

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