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It was now Saturday and I still hadn't gotten over the events of last night; Harry's mood just totally confused me, one second he paid no attention at all to me the next he was kissing me. After the kiss, I tried my best to teach him algebra but we got no where as all my attention was totally focused on what had just happened, it was not a very productive night in the math department.

I was just laying in bed, looking at all the photos of all the parties I could only dream of going to, but I would just have to stay at home, by myself. My Saturdays were never interesting at all, the only thing I did was go to my piano lesson but today I did not feel like doing that one bit, just another day of binge watching Netflix. I was mentally preparing a list of things that I would watch and all the fatty snacks I would stuff my face with when I got an unexpected text message from Harry. "I can't stop thinking about last night and I know you are exactly the same," that was completely true, "and Ashley is having one of her huge parties tonight, so you are totally coming." Was this actually happening, I had just been invited to one of the biggest party by the most popular boy in the school, was I dreaming. After a good 10 minutes of trying to convince myself this was real, I texted him back saying that I would try to go and what should I wear. Straight away, I got a response, "Great! Just wear what you usually wear when you try to impress me;) I'll see you tonight." Well I was more than excited for tonight but that wasn't the response I was looking for, I had no clue at all what to wear, I had never in my life been to one of these parties and even worse I have to look good for Harry. Today was now instead just going to consist of me stressing over what to wear for tonight's big event but first I need to go get myself food.

"I have nothing at all to wear!" I mentally screamed, my whole wardrobe was just full of leggings and jumpers, no skirts or dresses that would make Harry's jaw drop, but even if I had the most flawless dress on it would not change my non existent figure or disgusting face. It was time like this I wish I had a big sister or some friends that could guide me or even a mother that actually cared enough about me to buy me flattering clothes. I text Harry, "I have nothing to wear for this stupid party so I have decided to save us both the embarrassment and not go," he was not worth it so my only option was to pass up what could have been my only chance of a social life. He text back, "I'm sure if you wait and keep looking you will find something," never going to happen.

It had been 3 hours and still absolutely nothing, I even used my final option of raiding my mother's wardrobe, maybe would have worked if I was a middle aged woman going to a funeral. I had just fell on to my bed, all out ideas on what to wear when I heard the doorbell ring, now who the hell would be at my house. I ran to the door, desperate to find out who the mystery person was but there was no one there, slightly disappointed, I was about to close the door when I noticed a plastic bag on the floor with a note on top. The note read "I hope this changes your mind about tonight, HS x", now that was unexpected. My stomach was full of butterflies and it was the sweetest and most romantic gesture that has ever been done to me, even if that was not what it was supposed to be. I ran back upstairs, ripping the bag open to see what the not so seemingly jerky Harry had left for me. It was an outfit for tonight! I hadn't even seen it but I knew I had to go because I was drawn to Harry more than I think I or anyone else could be. It was a grey dress, I could already tell it was beautiful and perfect for a party. It was tight all over, nothing I would not have expected, with long sleeves and a plunging neck line, but not too much that would lose me my modesty. Who knew Harry was so good with clothes, I am guessing it is a result of all the girls he has been with, but not even that was gonna take away my excitement. "Harry I love it! Thank you so much, this dress has saved me from my clothes disaster and tell me the price because I will be paying you for it", I just had to tell him my love for it. Again, he replied immediately, "I am so glad you love it, I saw it and it reminded me of you. And don't worry, this is my way of saying thank you for the tutoring." This was a side of Harry I would never have expected to see but I most definitely like it. I had a few hours before the party so I had some toast then got started on getting ready, my plan was for tonight to go perfectly and hopefully Harry would carry on what had happened last night, I could only hope.

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