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I looked at the clock. Tick, tock. The time went slowly as I waited for the hand to strike 8 and the party to start. I hear the door bell go once again, but my mam is not supposed to be back yet, who could this be? I run down the stairs with just a towel around my titties, my mam has seen it all before. I swing the door open and turn to run back to my room, before I heard a deep, raspy voice call my name.
"Hello there Jessica", my unexpected guest said.
My eyes widened and mouth dropped as I stood with near to nothing on in front of non other than Harry. "Should I come up then?", he whispered as I mumbled a timid yes.

I could feel his eyes burning on my back as he watched me up the stairs as we walked into my room, and he shut the door behind me. I could see his eyes look me up and down as I felt more insecure than ever.
"You're beautiful babe don't look away", my eyes looked up to meet his stare and it felt like an eternity.
He walked swiftly towards me and my grip loosened from my towel as I was taken aback from his confident stance. Everything was revealed, all my insecurities on show to what felt like the world.

His plump lips connected with my burning skin as he trailed down my neck to my tits and he pushed me down onto my bed. His tongue circles my nipples as his hand cascades to my delicate opening.
He pumps his fingers in me with no hesitation as my juices lubricate his long fingers in my tingling vagina. I whimper under his touch as I am longing for every part of him.
I slap my wanting hands on his chest as I feel every sensation rushing through my body from my head to my toes. I orgasm as he slows his body down to a steady pace and his length pushes against my thigh. I know he wants all of me, and I want all of him.

He grunts into my ear, "we will finish this later, baby"

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