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I woke up confused as my eyes were drawn to the all to familiar navy walls. I no longer had my dress on but instead a thigh length plain black tee that acted as a dress. "How did this happen?" I think to myself as the last thing I can remember is drinking a few too many shots. I can hear a commotion coming from downstairs so I decide to follow the noise and get some answers.

I walk into the kitchen and notice a huge mess with food all over the counters and smoke filling my lungs. Through the smoke I see Harry, attempting to flip a pancake before it slumps to the floor.
"Fuck sake", Harry growls as he goes to pick up the heap of mush from the ground and a giggle escapes my lips. His head snaps towards my direction and his cheeks flush as he was not aware of my presence.

"Hi", he softly says, "I was attempting to make you breakfast in bed but my plan miserably failed". He awkwardly laughs, handing me a hydrating glass of water, as I try wrap my head around this thoughtful gesture. "Why?", I ask, but before he can answer my thoughts are dragged from the situation and back to more pressing issues, "why am I here?"
"Well, after you know what happened last night I couldn't trust anyone else at the party so I brought you straight back to my house. I didn't want to make matters worse by bringing you home in that state."
I try to understand what he's on about, did I drink too much, or do something embarrassing? I begin to turn a shade of red as every possible thing I could've done passes though my mind, "oh my god what did I do, was it embarrassing, I hope people can't remember?" He looks at my response with a twisted expression, causing me to become even more confused. "Do you not remember last night?" he cautiously questions me, "can you not remember being in that room, with him."
"No I cannot remember anything after being downstairs with some random girls. After that it's just blank," he needs to start telling me what happened right this second because I can't handle things anymore. "You can't remember?" His face drops as he begins to carry on what he was saying, "it," he stutters, " it was Michael."

The glass I once was holding in my hand is now shattered into a million pieces on the ground as the memories from last night come flooding back from that one name. Michael. And then the truth hits me like a tonne of bricks, I was nearly raped.

I look up and my eyes meet Harry's eyes, full with sympathy, tears fall unknowingly down my face. "You saved me," I finally get out, "you are the one reason that it didn't go further last night." As I say that I begin to think what may have happened if Harry didn't show up and with that final push my legs lose all their strength under me and I fall to the floor. Harry races over to me and holds my limp body in his strong arms, comforting me, "I am here for you and I am never gonna leave you."
In that moment I realise, I believe him, he is my saviour.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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