Coming back to nothing

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A year later

Today's the day I move back to los woods, and start the new year as a sophmore. Honestly I never wanted to go back. Last year was really stressful. Being ask a prodigious amount of questions by the police. And never finding Alex. My flight will be 5 hours, and like I'm really nervous to go back. I might have to take a couple of pills.


5 hours later

The flight was okay I guess. Now it's just that 1 hour drive from the airport to my old home. The only reason why my family is coming back to los woods, is because my dad convinced my mom that it would be best if we moved to Iceland. To wait till "that" night situation blew over. That's what we called it, me, Scott, Mike, and Spencer. After Alex went missing we never talked about it much. Trying to put the pieces together. Matter of fact we never talked to each other like that after those 2 weeks of the same question. "What were you doing that night." Like really in the last five police reports we were drinking and before we knew it we were sleep. And Alex went missing.

We got to the house, and let me be honest there is no place like home. Like it feels like I belong here. I mean back in Iceland, I'd fit in but not as much as I do now. Alex was the one who brought us together. I was a loner, Scott was a chubby boy ( I wonder if he lost weight), Eli was a jock but didn't have many friends, and Spencer was the smartest boy in school, and also a know it all. We were all was looking for something and didn't know what we were looking for, was right in front of us.

I walked upstairs to my room. Surprisingly its been untouched. Like didn't anybody live here. My little brother Robert but I call him Rob. Anyway, Rob came into my room while I was thinking about the time I used to have fun in here. He asked me if I can drop him off at lacrosse practice. I didn't have anything better to do so I said yes. We walked downstairs and he's just flipping boxes over looking for his lacrosse equipment.

"Looking for something."my dad muttered. Turing a box around with the name "Robert's lacrosse equipment" written in a big signature.

"Yeah, my lacro....sse, oh." My brother said sarcastically.

We headed out. Our drive was mostly quiet. We pulled up infront of my old high school. Santos high. Just to think I have 15 hours left of freedom.

"Yo, look, practice is over at 6, ok." He said slow, so I can understand.

I wanted to drive over his toes, but I didn't.

"Ok moron." I said.

"Hey." I got his attention before he walked off. "I'm going to get a bite to eat"

"Bring me something back" he said walking backwards.

It was only 4:30. I went to the little restaurant or whatever it is. I took my seat and saw that poster again. That poster of Alex. I tried not to think about him.

Every time see that poster pr a picture of him, it reminds me of that night. Which I still can't put that together. I looked to my right and guess what I see. This beautiful, busty, woman just sitting all alone.

"B-46." I said out loud trying to get her attention. And it seemed to work.

"Yeah I love this song." She said in a sweet voice.

"Me too, sorry I didn't get your name. I said in my sexy deep voice. Alex always said I had a gift.

"Caitlin." She said giving that look.

Before I knew it we were in the bathroom.

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