The Fiance

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I pay for my stuff and walk back to my car. It was good talking to Scott again. I wonder if Aiden and Eli spoken yet. Oh well. Eli and me was the only to talk each other like that. Then we kind of broke apart. To be honest, Im kind of having second thoughts about if Alex is alive. His body didn't turn up yet, and he haven't come home. So I don't know what to think. We always had our ups and downs, he thought that threaten his position as leader in the group. But who wants to be leader? My constantly think ing about Alex got me home safe. I walked through the kitchen door saw my mother and father sitting at the counter drinking wine.

"Don't you think it's a liitle bit to early to be drinking right now." I said satcasticly.

"Hey sweetie, you got 5 minutes to get ready, where about to go to the Shack House." My mother said as she sipped the last drop of wine left in the bottle.

"5 minutes, really was I gone that long." I said.

"Your brother and his fiance, left from Philadelphia about an hour ago. So hurry up and put on what you bought." My father said reading sports illustrated.

I go to my room and looked out my window and saw the barn. And yes it's the same barn we slept in "that" night. I can't believe that it's about to be my new home. Since I got all straight A's last school year. My parents thought it was time for me to get my "own" place.

I finally get dressed and head back down stairs. My mom and dad and waiting. I rush to get my jacket and we headed out the door. The car ride was half quiet and half not. My dad tried to make small talk but I think we were all to nervous about meeting Michael fiance.

We got to this little restaurant called "The Grill". Michael and this girl wasn't even here yet. We took our seats. And 10 minutes before the waiter came over. There they were. Walking hand in hand. She was beuatiful. Even prettier than Mariah Carey. Or any other female artist.

"Hey guys." My brother said taking his seat.

He sat next to my parents while the fiance sat next to me.

"Mom, Dad, Spencer, this is Charing." He said introducing all her and her fine body.

"Hi nice to meet you." My parents said at the same time.

"Nice to meet you too." Charing said.

She looked over to me and just stared into my eyes and I stared into hers. It was like we were in one of those movies where you fall in love at first sight. My brother finally broke what was going on here and to be honest I was kind of mad. I thought I was going to get lucky tonight.

"So, Spencer. Have you thought what sports your going out for?" He asked me and then mouthing "Don't."

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about trying out for the boys lacrosse team." I said while looking into my menu.

"And when was you going to tell us about this." My mother said in that scary Columbian mother tone.

"I was actually going to tell you before he asked me, mother. If you want to know." I said sarcastically.

The waiter came over and saved my life.

"What would you like to drink?" He asked.

"For me I'll take a glass of champagne, same for my husband, and a glass of wine for my son Michael." My mother said looking this guy up and down.

"Hi, yes I'll take Hennessey on the rocks." I said cutting my mother off before she got to me.

I looked to my left and see Charing giggling. Move over Michael there's a new man in this woman's life.

"He'll take water with a lemon in it." She said eying me. "And sweetheart what would you like." She said looking at Charing.

"Oh I'll actually take the Hennessey on the rocks." She said.

In the next five minutes. The waiter came back with the drinks and handed them out. While my parents wasn't looking, Charing tapped me on the shoulders and slid me her drink.


Dinner was great and all the time I was thinking about moving into the barn. I decorated it and everything. I walked down stairs to go look at my new home. And my mother tried to stop me.

"Not now mom." I said walking out side. Once I get to the barn, I see Michael moving suit cases in there.

"Um... What the hell do you think your doing." I said walking up to Michael.

"Cool down, little bro. Mom said we could move in here." He said while stopping what he was doing.

"How? They both promised me that I could move in their once I got straight A's." I said.

"Is there a problem."  Charing came of over trying figure out what was happening.

"No nothings wrong." I said walking back into the house.

I went upstairs to my room to finish my homework. I couldn't help but hear the two of them outside just laughing and playing. I looked out my window saw them go into the barn. At the same moment someone texted me.


Don't always kiss and tell.

I looked up and out of the window and saw something in the Rodriguez's old house. It looked like..... Alex?

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