"His" Funeral

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1 week later

It's been a stressful week for the four of us. Everybody staring at us as we walk down the halls. And we have to prepare for Alex funeral. Like I still can't believe he's dead. It seems so unreal.

"Aiden. Hey. Are you listening." Scott says.

"Um... Sorry... What were you saying." I say as I tried to wrap my mind around what's been happening.

"So like I was saying, the Rodriguez's are planning a funeral for Alex. But we won't be able to see the body. So Mrs. R would like us to give her something that reminds us of Alex."

"So, what do you have in mind?" Spencer says walking behind us.

"I was thinking....." Scott got out before he cut off by the loud speakers.

"Spencer, Aiden, Scott, And Eli. Please come to the counsler's office."

"What do she want." Eli comes up behind us and we started to walk down the hall.

"Probably wanted to ask us how we feel about this whole situation... About Alex." I manage to say.

We get to her office, but she's not in there, instead it's that cop that kept asking us the same question a year ago.

"Take a seat boys." He say grabbing a file from the desk.

"What the hell is this. We're not going to sit here and let you question us for the ten thousandth time." Spencer says as he was about to walk out the door.

"Well if you walk out the door, I will have to arrest you." The cop spat back at Spencer.

"For what?"

"For the murder of Alex Rodriguez." He says with a smirk.

Spencer finally takes a seat and just when he was about to ask questions.. All hell broke loose.

"Shouldn't you be checking the time meters or something. You wanna be cop." Scott yells.

"As you can see. From yesterday, while you were at the police station. I'm a detective now. You spoiled delinquent." The detective says calmly, as if he wanted to keep his job.

"What kind of detective...." I cut off Scott.

"Will both of you shut the hell up, so we can get this over with." I say as Scott face is flaring.

"Mr. Montgomery, I was waiting if you was going to speak up or sit back and let your friends do all the talking. When was the last time you saw Alex." He says grabbing a pen and waiting for our answers.

"Here go with the same damn questions."

"Spencer." Eli shouts. "We were at the barn when...

"Has anyone spoken to Alex recently." Spencer says while walking into the barn with a cup of vodka.

"Yeah. Matter of fact, he came to my house earlier and told me not have fun without him." Eli says.

We all jumped when we heard a noise outside the barn. It sounded like glass. Then one door to the barn opened. Being us we walked to the door, and to our surprise... Alex jumped out and startled us. He was just laughing and he took a seat and grabbed to cup and
gave it to me.

"Careful Aiden, drink to much and you tell us all your secrets." Spencer jokes playfully.

"Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close." Alex says looking at us with a smile.

And that was the last time we saw him.


"And that's what happened that night." I say look over to my three friends.

"Well that's the same exact story you told me last year. And it seems like it was rehearsed." He says looking us over as if one of us was about to crack.

"Well in that case. Where were you on that night." Scott says getting up.

"Scott... Please don't start." Eli says looking down.

"No Eli.. I'm not about to sit here and look like a suspect in my friend's murder. So like I said where were you that night." Scott's focus is now on Detective Wilden.

"Well that's it. Thank you Mr. Fields and Mr. Montgomery for being respectful." He says walking out the room.


The next day

"Mom I'm going." I say about to walk out the door.

"I don't want you to walk there by yourself." She says pulljng me into a hug.

"I'll be fine mom, besides I'll see you there ok." I say giving her a reassuring smile.

I walk down out the house and on my way to the small church. Once I got there, I stopped at the doors. I just need to catch my breath and then I'll be fine. Finally I calm down and walk inside. I immediately try to find the others. But I'll see Mrs. Rodriguez walking up to me.

"Aiden it's so good to see you again." She says looking at me up and down. Trying to make sure it was actually me.

"You too." I say giving her a hug. "I'm really sorry about Alex." I tell her.

"I'll get over. I'm just about worried about the four of you. Are you ok. Dealing with the loss of a friend." She says walking me down the aisle.

Yeah I'm ok. But have you seen The others?"

"Yeah. Their right here." she says giving me a hand motion to sit down. I look to my left and see the three of them looking up and trying to hold it together. The service was going well untill, the surprise guest showed up.

"Oh my god. Is that?" Eli says looking back.

"Yes it is." Spencer chimed in.

"What the hell is she doing back here." Scott says. We look at each other then back at Jenna Marshall.

The funeral ended and we all walk outside to see them putting the casket in the back of the hearse. Once they drive off. We all get a text.

"Oh my god." Scott whispers.

"I got it to." Eli says staring at his phone.

"I think we all did." Spencer says.

I'm back bitches. And I know everything.

We all say in unison.

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