Monster - Character actors (NOT a new ch.)

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Hey ladies! I just updated a chapter. I hope you didn't think this was one too. I was just googling and trying hard to find some actors for the male characters. 

I THINK I finally found the perfect actor for Julian. :D WATCH THE VIDEO ON THE RIGHT

It's an interview with Mike Vogel. From his complexion to his light eyes to his dirty blonde hair to his stubble covered, chiseled jawline to his style...he is Julian all over! What do y'all think?? I think I heart him. But if you guys have a better suggestion I'm ready!!

I've been trying to find a good actor for Warren. He is dark haired with beautiful puppy dog brown eyes. What do think of Ashton Kutcher? Im NOT a fan of him and his personality. BUT I think maybe his look and ONLY his look could work for Warren. Plus he is a comedian and Warren is a dork. OR what about Ryan Reynolds? I can't think of anyone else for now.

I originally had Gaspard Ulleil for Oliver. But it just doesn't work for me. He is dark haired and light eyed. His eyes are so blue they almost look violet. He, like his other siblings, is very attractive. But he is a douche. How about  Tyler Hoechlin. ladies have a voice! You have the POWERRR lol. I don't want to use actors who are already famous for supernatural roles even though they are ALL hott. It just ruins it for me I guess. But I will CONSIDER using Ian Somerhaulder for Oliver just bc he has that perfect look and I just plain don't like Oliver...soooo tell me what you think! My heart is close to set on Mike Vogel for Julian....I just really need someone for Warren and Oliver. 

As for the ladies I think Sofia Black D'alia is perfect for Kendal. 

I love Olivia Wilde and think she is gorgeous. What do y'all think of her being cast for the sisters Maddison and Madeleine? Obviously it would be Olivia as a blonde. 

And who cares about Brittany's character. lmao.

When I introduce new characters along the way I'll think up their characters when the time comes. 

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