Monster - Puppy Flanks and Harmful Pranks

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+++ Thanks to those of you who have been commenting and voting. :P Love you guys! I dont mean to be a whiner but I just dont get it! I have about 100 AWESOME peeps who keep up with the story. But there are so many other stories who have several THOUSANDS of followers with hundreds of votes. I just dont understand what I'm doing wrong! But Im having fun doing this and thats what counts. +++ ps. Sorry I took forever and sorry this is short! 

I lay tangled in a net of sheets and linen. The sun tugged at me to rise with it, too stubborn to let me drift back to sleep. I was suspended in a state between dreams and consciousness. Scenes of my childhood glazed in sunlight whirred through my head. I tried to escape to them, determined not to let myself wake up just yet.

"Oof!" The wind was knocked from my chest.

Furry little paws padded along my chest, triumphant in their smooth landing. I grabbed Thor around his waist, his little grunt earning a smile before I gave him a kiss. I let him snuggle into my chest while I wiped away the sleep that the sand man oh so generously gifted me during my mini-coma. Gross. 

I inspected the room looking for whoever must have catapulted Thor onto my bed. I saw nothing but the familiar walls of the room I had temporarily adopted as my own during my stay. Still under the heavy veil of sleep, I sat up intending to close the curtains and float back into sunny dreams of my past. Whoever had been in my room would have to wait. I swung my legs over the ledge and rubbed my eyes. Yawning, I stood and slowly stretched my arms, one of which hit a wall. 

I'm nowhere near a wall. I continued facing forward and let my eyes drift to the end of my hand. A torso garbed in a charcoal cotton shirt heaved along with the breathing of my uninvited guest. My eyes climbed up and up until they reached a gleaming eager smile and a set of blue-violet peepers. 

I let my stiffened arms relax at my side. "Todd, you creep, what\'re you doing in here?"

"I'm sorry if I scared you." He plopped down on my bed. "I can't sleep."

My head still spinned in a tipsy carousel. I felt aware enough of myself to know that most of my drunken tendencies faded away over the few hours of sleep I had. Memories of my belligerent blubberings over Todd

started to bubble to my minds surface and with each embarrasing memory my blood bubbled higher into my cheeks. 

"So you only like my freckles when you\'re drunk, huh?" He pouted. "I see how it is."

"Shut up I still...think they're..." Cute. I didn't mean to say that aloud. 

Not that it would have mattered, anyway. Their uncanny ability to invade my inner dialogue became more inconvenient for me by the hour. My stomach crumpled up like an alluminum can and it dawned on me that no food had touched these lips in almost two days. 

"Let's go get something to feed the beast." Todd poked my stomach. 

"I just want to sleep..." I eyed the fluffy down pillow that still held the imprint of my cranium. 

"But everyone's asleep. The kitchen is empty...aside from all the delicious food, that is." He prompted. "Think of all the gourmet possibilities."

"I don't know. Maybe after I sleep a little longer." My eyelids drooped over my burning irises. 

"Basil pizza, grilled lemon pepper chicken - right off the rottiserie..." He listed, using his fingers. "...the cheesiest lasagna. Mmm." He kissed the tip of his fingers like an Italian chef. "Don't even get me started."

My mouth watered. I could never turn down good lasagna. It was my favorite meal to come home to after school back when I lived at home. My mom made it with the best cheese and her homemade sauce held the perfect spicy notes. The nostalgia tasted sweeter than any dish Todd could have listed. 

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