Monster - Blood Rights and Stage Fright

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+++ Once again to everyone who is patient with me and still keeping up with the story thank you so very much! Especially to those who vote and comment! YEEE! That pic over there is how I feel everytime I try to write a new chapter. >>>> Hahah  but I'm having fun with it. +++

From somewhere I could hear Todd saying my name. With each second I was more convinced that I'd swallowed acid. My abdomen burned and jolted as jealousy and panic broiled through my gut. 

"Kendal." Todd repeated for the fifth time, finally sucking me back to the present moment.

I pried my stinging eyes from Julian and the mystery woman and found Todd's, gentle and cool , keeping my gaze steady. Focusing on the blue-violet pools of color that swam within his irises felt like the first gasp after being held underwater for so long but it still wasn't enough to settle my shaking joints. 

"Who is that?" I tried to ask unfazed. 

Todd was no fool. He could clearly feel the hostility I unjustly exuded to him and the blatant despair I felt at seeing Julian wrapped around a strange and unbelievably stunning woman.

"Her name is Scarlotte." He replied - his eyes digging into mine. 

"Who?" I asked breathless. I heard the name but it wasn't what I wanted to know. "Who is she? Why is she here?"

"She's the Dutchess of Les Isles des Papillions." He replied slowly, seemingly afraid that the wrong word would send me over the edge. "A top contender for Julian's hand."

"Oh God." I gulped and whiped a hand over my face.

The temperature of the reception hall grew exceedinly higher and clouded in around me. I tried to steady my breathing but every gust of oxygen I managed to suck into my lungs only brought on another wave of nausea. 

"Kendal what happened?" 

I knew he was aware that something had developed between Julian and I and just as soon vaporized but did he know why? 

I didn't want to hurt Todd. I knew everything that had gone down between Julian and I was solely my fault but the heat was too much and I couldn't breathe. I was dizzy and confused and angry and he just wouldn't stop asking questions.

"You happened." I snapped out. "I ruined everything and it's your fault."

His stature did not waver nor did he avert his eyes but he didn't need to say a thing. It was all in the movement of those violet pools that seemed to suddenly cease. The usual glean that resided as a permanent smile in his eyes vanished and I knew that I'd hurt him. 

I had no time to explain or apologize because from somewhere a gruff voice announced that the feast was to commence soon and that everyone should please take a seat. The shapes and blurs that where whirring between dinner tables found their chairs and the room took on an eery stillness. Their voices still chattered too quickly for me to understand and every seat around me that had been empty was instantaneously filled with beautiful faces and figures. 

I took it as an opportunity to escape from the crushing hurt that dripped in Todd's eyes but what I'd found wasn't any relief. Immediately near me were beautiful strangers who continued to flap their lips and laugh their movie star laughs but just a few seats down from my own I saw Scarlotte - who's giggle was just as beautiful - and was aimed at Julian's trademark smirk. I looked back at Todd, his face had softened and was pointed to the source of my dismay. He didn't have to say a word. I knew he'd already forgiven me when his hand blanketed mine.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. "For whatever it was I did to hurt you...but I can't lie and say I'm not glad I drove at least a small wrench between you two."

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