Monster - Video Games and Girly Names

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+++ OK peeps this chapter was so long I split it into two different ones. This one is a bit uneventful but necessary for a transition. The next one is action packed. Enjoy! Comment pweez? I need to know if i should even keep writing. :( +++

I ran as fast as I could. The muscles in my thighs burned as my legs flailed beneath me. My heart raced and sweat began to collect over my brow. It had been so long since I'd run this fast but right now the pain didn't matter. All that mattered was that I got through that door...before he did. The destination grew closer and closer with every stride and I reached out my arm as though it would get me there faster. Suddenly my ankle wobbled beneath me and like a chain reaction the rest of my leg gave way and I tumbled down to the concrete.

I lay there for a moment until I became somewhat of a spectacle to passers by on the sidewalk. I tenderly sat up and checked myself for damage. Nothing too horrible, just a pretty nasty scrape on my elbow and I'll definitely be bruised up in the morning. From above me a hand extended an offer to help me off the walk way. I took it but didn't look at the person who helped me up, I was way too embarressed.

"I guess racing was a bad idea..." He laughed.

"Jules it's not that funny." I blushed. embarrassing. "But I did almost beat you."

"You're right, where are my manners?" He suppressed a smile. "And I guess that could qualify as a win, although the deal was to see who could get inside of the arcade first, not fall outside of it." I dusted myself off and playfully punched him in the shoulder and immediately wished I didn't. It was like he was made of steel, seriously, that hurt. I looked at him astonished by his rough exterior but before I could react he was ushering me into the arcade.

It was all too strange to me. Hanging out with this guy I'd never met before but he made me feel so comfortable, so safe. After I'd coaxed him off of the ledge he walked me the rest of the way through the park and back to my apartment. We chatted along the way, I never got him to explain to me what he was doing up there but I did get his name finally, Julian. I laughed when he told me, it is pretty feminine...but apparently he didn't think it was funny. I also explained to him that I didn't want to go back into my apartment so soon, for reasons I didn't want to unload on him, so he offtered to take me to grab some coffee. After dropping Thor off, ever so quiety as to not wake the dragon AKA Brittany, we headed out. Now here we are, two strangers hyped up on coffee racing to an arcade. Of course I, being the huge clutz that I am, had to ruin it and took a tumble...but at least I won, right?

I leaned on a dusty old pac man machine waiting as Julian bought us both tokens. I couldn't help but gawk at his tall and firm build, he must work out daily. His navy shirt was still damp from the rain outside and clinged to his frame. It revealed nothing but pure muscle that stretched beneath his flawless milky skin. He turned with a cup of tokens in each hand and caught me stairing. I averted my gaze immediately, blushing of course. As he approached, the scent of his cologne wafted up to my nose and I recognized vanilla along with a hint of some sort of spice I couldn't put my finger on. I mumbled a thank you as he handed the tokens to me.

I inserted my tokens into the slot and the classic pac-man jingle filled the room. He watched me weave the yellow character through 2-D mazes and away from the impending danger of the little colorful enemies but I noticed he didn't really seem interested. He had a distant look in his eyes and I wanted to ask so badly why he was in the park tonight, why he was practically hanging off a ledge in the rain, and why he seemed to be so amused by my attemp to intervein but every time I brought it up tonight he made sure to avoid the topic. 

"So what was a pretty little lady like you doing in the park all by her lonesome?" He asked half interested. Hey that was my question. Great minds think alike?

"I walk through that park every night...and I wasn't alone."

"Ah, yes, Thor. I almost forgot. Such an adorable little thing." His comment irritated me...Thor wasn't a thing...dogs are people too, okay? But he didn't seem content with my answer. "You were upset, why are you trying so hard to avoid returning to your apartment?", He probed.

"I don't know, I just...well my friend, or my former friend really. She just messed me over big time. I don't want to deal with it right now." Honestly, the only reason I accepted a strangers invite to hang out in the middle of the night was to avoid this topic...and because he is really hot, but that's not the point! Now he is making me think about what that back stabber did. Perhaps I can use his invasion of personal privacy as an excuse to get him to tell me why he was acting all daring and brooding.

"Did she take something from you?" How did he know? Hell I might as well just tell him so we can move on. 

"I guess you could say that. Long story short I walked in on her with my boyfriend." My voice cracked. It was all so recent and the mere memory was enough to send me spiraling into a vat of self pity. I felt betrayed by the two people I trusted most. I was shocked that he would do this to me but thinking back now I was so stupid to trust Brittany. Everyone who knows her knows she is a selfish, manipulating bi - 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pried." This time he seemed sincere. I could tell that he'd forgotten about whatever it was he was thinking of and he was completely focused on what we were saying. Butterflies rushed through my stomach when his hand unexpectedly landed on mine. This one little gesture made me forget about everything that happened this past week. I abandoned the game and turned to see Jules staring at me. He was so unreal. I've never seen a guy so perfect before and it wasn't that he was a pretty boy either. He had a certain roughness about him. The light stubble on his chin off set his perfectly shaped jawline in a sexy way. Ok if he doesn't stop staring at me I'm going to puke butterflies. 

He flashed a smile that made me feel vulnerable. It must be so obvious that I'm mentally gushing over him. "I think it's time I walk you home?" He suggested.

Of course, how stupid of me to think he was interested. He was just being friendly and no doubt felt awkward that I almost spewed tears in front of him while whining about my ex cheating on me with my best friend. He must have thought my life was so cliche. I pulled my hood up over my brown hair which caused it to flip out in loose waves around my jawline. Annoying. I nodded and he led the way through the beautifully gloomy night.

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